Jamie Walcheski was born in Kazakhstan, Russia, and grew up in an orphanage before being adopted by her American parents. She graduated from Allentown Central Catholic High School in 2010 and graduated from DeSales University in 2014 with a BA in Dance and a minor in Business focusing in Marketing. Jamie taught dance at Steppin Out Academy of Dance before working in New York City, as a Modern Contemporary dancer and a Manager at Peridance, before committing herself to the healthcare field. Jamie worked as a Patient Care Assistant (PCA) in the Intensive Care Unit, Emergency and Trauma Technician in the Emergency Department at St. Luke’s University Health Network. Jamie also worked as a Pharmacy Technician at CVS and spent her free time driving rescue dogs to their forever home as well as being a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sister of America. In her spare time, she can be seen playing with her three French Bulldogs.
Preferred Pronouns?
Where would you say you are from?
Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA
Where did you receive your Bachelor's degree?
DeSales University
What degree(s) have you completed thus far?
Bachelor's degree
How did you hear about CWRU's PA program?
Why did you choose the PA program?
Early clinical experience, Cleveland Clinic, and the strong emphasis to serve those in need.
What are you looking forward to the most in the PA program?
Skills to serve those in need.
What advice would you give future PA students as they begin to search for programs?
Find one that meets your desires and one you are comfortable with.