On this page:
- Components of your CWRU Degree
- Tracking your Degree Requirements in Stellic
- Course Substitutions and Other Changes to Your Degree Requirements
Components of your CWRU Degree
Your Bachelor's degree from CWRU consists of general education requirements, a major field of study, and any electives you take.
There are currently two sets of General Education requirements, depending on when you matriculated to CWRU:
- Students who matriculated in Fall 2023 or later will follow the Unified General Education Requirements, completing coursework in areas of breadth, skills, and perspectives.
- Students who matriculated in Spring 2023 or earlier should refer to the requirements in place for their year and school/college, accessed via the General Bulletin Archives.
- In addition, you can review the transition guidance and contact your four-year advisor with any questions.
All students must complete the requirements of a major field of study. Only one major is required for a student to satisfy degree requirements, and most students complete their degrees having met the requirements for a single major. However, some students wish to complete more than one major in order to address their interests and academic goals. Several opportunities exist for a student to complete more than one major.
Minors are not required. A minor concentration requires no fewer than 15 credit hours and normally requires no more than 18 credit hours.
Electives are any courses you take that count toward your overall credits to your degree, but are not satisfying any specific requirements.
Tracking your Degree Requirements in Stellic
Stellic is the University’s degree audit tool that helps undergraduate students organize, track, and personalize their degree plans.
To access Stellic:
Log-in to SIS and from your home page select the Academics tile and then the Academic Progress tile. This will open up a new window in Stellic (may require Duo two-factor authentication).
When to use Stellic:
You should review your degree progress regularly, including:
- After you declare a major and/or minor, to gain an understanding of your requirements and sketch out a four-year plan
- Each semester with your major advisor, to track your progress and plan your next semester’s registration
- As you approach graduation with your four-year advisor, to ensure that you have satisfied all requirements
The University Registrar has a number of student guides and videos to introduce you to the system and walk you through many of the features.
Course Substitutions and Other Changes to Your Degree Requirements
There may be times when you would like to request a course substitution or other adjustment to your degree audit in Stellic.
We recommend that you first consult with your four-year advisor to discuss your circumstances. If appropriate, they will refer you to the Academic Advisement Report Substitution Form and substitution process, outlined as follows:
- Complete Part I of the Academic Advisement Report Substitution Form
- Referring to the list below, contact the appropriate academic designate with your request. They may require a meeting or additional information to consider your request.
- If approved, the academic designate will complete Part II of your form, indicating whether it is an approved elective, direct course substitution, or other change to your degree audit.
- Sign the “Student Signature” field and send the completed form to your four-year advisor for final review and approval.
Please note that these requests are not guaranteed to be approved, and must be reviewed by both an academic designate (list below) and your four-year advisor.
If you are seeking a substitution for a major or minor requirement, first contact your major/minor advisor, as listed in SIS. If the substitution can be approved, they will sign the form, or direct you to the appropriate designate for further discussion.
Breadth or Skills requirements: Your four-year advisor is the academic designate for requests to have a course considered for a Breadth or Skills requirement. After you consult with your four-year advisor, they will share your request with the appropriate faculty for review and final consideration.
Perspectives requirements: Requests to have a course considered for a Perspective requirement are not reviewed at the individual student level. These requests must be submitted by the faculty member teaching the course to Peter Shulman, Associate Provost for Curriculum. Students with questions can contact their four-year advisor.
For substitution requests related to breadth, SAGES, or PE requirements, consult with your four-year advisor for the appropriate point of contact.