Celebrating all four seasons at CWRU

All 4 seasons at Adelbert

Spring is in the air at CWRU

We have four seasons in Cleveland, and they all come with their own kind of beauty and opportunity. 

As we celebrated the first day of spring this past weekend, our seniors are preparing to graduate, and many of them have already committed to full-time jobs and graduate school programs.

☀️ SUMMER ☀️
CWRU students will be busy with research, internships and creative endeavors on our campus and beyond. (Over the course of their four years, 99% of CWRU students will take part in at least one experiential learning activity; and half will complete three or more.)

🍁 FALL 🍁
Eager new students will be heartily welcomed into our community by our 5,000+ current undergrads, together with faculty, navigators and others dedicated to student success.

❄️ WINTER ❄️
And in the throes of winter, our students will warm up to new classes and take part in some of our favorite traditions, like Late Night Breakfast and the Film Society’s 24 hour Sci-Fi marathon.