Jay Hodge is the chief of our campus police department. You'll see him peddling around campus on his bike, but first, meet him here.
Describe CWRU students in five words.
Intelligent, involved, diverse, unique, driven.
What is your favorite thing about working here?
Definitely for me it has to be the interaction with the diverse groups of people that make up the Case Western Reserve community.
What inspires you?
Dreams. The dreams I have...the ones where I strive to create a better life for not only myself but also those around me. It frequently inspires me to reach beyond myself.
Do you have one piece of advice for incoming students?
Don't be afraid to ask for help, and keep an open mind...don't be quick to judge.
What’s something that should be on every student’s Cleveland bucket list?
Snow boots!
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
Village Starbucks—a great place to grab coffee and interact with students and Starbucks employees.
If you could pick a CWRU major to study what would it be?
Law, of course!
What’s something unique to campus that students might not know?
You can find a replica scale model of the Michelson-Morley experiment in the lobby of the physics building.
Article Date
April 07, 2020