As a young kid Kemi Ogundiran knew she wanted to have a career in a STEM field. “I would read anything from fiction novels and history books to encyclopedias on subjects such as geography, human and animal biology, astronomy, you name it,” she says. “I’ve always had a profound curiosity in the workings of the natural world and the universe.”
Kemi is a sophomore majoring in biochemistry at Case Western Reserve. Her goal is to become a pediatric neurologist who helps children with special needs reach their full potential.
On campus she is involved in CWRU’s Women in Science and Engineering Roundtable, also known as WISER, which is an organization that aims to promote the inclusion and success of all women pursuing a STEM-related career. We asked Kemi a few questions about WISER and how it has impacted her first year at CWRU.
How has being a part of WISER helped you through your first year?
“I was able to have a peer mentor and meet other upperclassmen that gave me great advice. It was also a great way to make friends. I love being a part of the wonderful and supportive community of aspiring STEM women that WISER creates.”
What are your favorite memories from the past year with WISER?
“One of my favorite WISER events was the South Euclid Lyndhurst Middle School girls visit. The girls got a tour of campus and afterwards a couple of volunteers and I led a shoe engineering competition. It was wonderful to hear these girls explain the different ideas and inspirations behind their designs.”
What do you look forward to doing in WISER in the future?
“As vice president of finance, I will be supporting WISER events by overseeing and managing our finances. This will allow me to have greater involvement in managing our SEVA program. SEVA is a program in which WISER volunteers sell samosas to raise funds to support children in India through schooling.”
What has surprised you the most about life at CWRU?
“Students go out of their way to help others. I’m really grateful for the friendships I’ve made, the relationships I’ve built with my professors, the friendly workers, and just the sense of community.”
Article Date
December 18, 2020