Perspectives from the South Pole

South Pole
“It has been oddly warm for the past few days. Temperatures up near -35F.”
—PhD student Allen Foster, on his blog “Allen’s South Pole Winter-Over 2020"

Case Western Reserve University PhD student Allen Foster arrived at the South Pole in January. Allen is working on the South Pole Telescope, a large (10-m diameter) telescope used by researchers to explore the origins and evolution of our universe for a research project in experimental cosmology as part of CWRU Physics Professor John Ruhl’s laboratory

It’s been cold. It’s been dark. But, as far as he knows, he says, it’s been COVID-19-free. 

“I never would have thought that spending a year at the South Pole with 41 other people would make me one of the most social people I know—perhaps one of the most social in the entire world,” he says. 

Read more about Allen's experience.

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