
In the tech industry, “full-stack” refers to those who do everything from “back-end” coding and modeling to “front-end” interface and application design and development. In fact, humanities scholars were and are the original “full-stack” experts of the modern print media ecology: trained in all the necessary methods, we gather the manuscripts in their original languages, determining the best sources; then we translate, analyze, and interpret them; then we write, edit, and proofread the results of our research in texts; and finally we publish them into articles and books, usually with very few if any alterations by others.

Likewise, h.lab is “full-stack” in its approach to the human-tech interface: on the back end, providing training and promoting new research in coding, data science, and machine learning in the humanities; and, on the front end, engaging in critical reflection and research in the ethical and philosophical issues emerging along with these new technologies.