
Coding for the Humanities: Python, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning (HUMN 305/405) 

An entry-level, humanities-oriented introduction to coding, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning for undergraduate and graduate students. Course objectives include: (1) hands-on mastery of fundamental coding skills in Python (a powerful and highly readable programming language that is the lingua franca of NLP and machine learning); (2) individual and collaborative lab projects that develop skills in problem-solving and program design; and (3) sustained critical reflection from humanities perspectives about the tools and processes with which we are experimenting. The course will be of value for students who are developing and designing research projects as well as for those entering professional contexts in which basic coding skills are advantageous.


Data Citizenship and Responsible AI (coming soon!)

The course will critically examine the role of data in the AI lifecycle and develop concrete socio-technical practices and dispositions to enable greater citizen participation in the construction of a more just and sustainable AI ecosystem.