Sheryl Dugard

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Case School of Engineering
School of Medicine

Sheryl serves as the principal administrator and chief financial officer for the department. She provides leadership, advice and guidance regarding financial and administrative policies and procedures. Sheryl also participates in department strategic planning, she supervises clerical staff and she assumes administrative leadership for all human resource-related activities. She also assists the chair with the smooth operation of the department.

Key Job Functions

  • Develops and interprets policies and procedures
  • Develops and implements comprehensive short and long-term budget process for department and programs
  • Manages effort distribution and effort certification for all faculty, staff and students
  • Supervises the appointment, hiring and evaluation process for faculty, lecturers, visitors and staff
  • Oversees the process of student recruitment, graduate admissions and student payroll
  • Serves as primary contact for all security and environmental safety issues and concerns