Case Western Reserve University is a world leader in developing novel biomedical imaging technologies for translational and basic science applications. Research programs in imaging serve as the cornerstones for numerous interdisciplinary programs, including cancer diagnosis and prognosis, gene therapy, nanotechnology and drug delivery, cardiac physiology and understanding of metabolic diseases.
Our imaging program collaborates extensively with biomedical research programs in the Case School of Medicine, University Hospitals and Cleveland Clinic, resulting in rapid translation of imaging technologies developed here to the patient bedside and scientists’ bench-side. Our major research thrusts include developing and optimizing novel imaging technologies, creating new capabilities for existing imaging systems and applying novel imaging technologies to clinical and preclinical investigations. These areas include:
Imaging Technology – Innovation of image acquisition and reconstruction technologies for faster image acquisition, higher spatial resolution and more comprehensive evaluation of anatomic structure and physiological functions.
Computational Algorithms – New computational imaging analysis tools to identify subtle sub-visual cues that can enable predictions of disease behavior and progression, as well as lead to innovative developments in imaging quality.
Imaging-Guided Interventions – Development of new and integrated devices and imaging technologies to provide real-time, imaging-guided surgery, neuromodulation and other interventions.
Molecular Imaging – Development of new imaging contrast agents that provide imaging biomarkers and molecular details of disease progression, better delineation of tumor margins and more sensitive detection of tumor metastasis.
Affiliated Labs and Centers
- CWRU Center for Imaging Research (CCIR)
- Cancer Imaging Program of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Center for Computational Imaging and Personalized Diagnostics (CCIPD)
- Jenkins Laboratory, Biomedical Optics
- The Center for AI Enabling Discovery in Disease Biology (AID2B)
- Biomedical Imaging Laboratory (BMIL)
- Invent Lab
- Rollins Lab
- Yu Lab, an MRI Research Lab
- Laboratory for Cancer Nanotechnology and Immunotherapy
- Immunoengineering Lab
- Center for Biomolecular Engineering
- Epilepsy Center
James P. Basilion, PhD
Co-LeaderCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.983.3264
Rui Cao, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of Engineering, School of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
William Grissom, PhD
Medtronic Professor of Biomedical Discovery and InnovationSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of Engineering, School of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Michael Jenkins, PhD
ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Efstathios (Stathis) Karathanasis, PhD
Associate ChairDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of Engineering, School of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4617
Shuo Li, PhD
Leonard Case, Jr. Professorship in Engineering at Case Western Reserve UniversityBiomedical EngineeringProfessorDepartment of Computer and Data SciencesCase School of EngineeringMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Zheng-Rong Lu, PhD
Faculty DirectorCase School of EngineeringProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0187
Dan Ma, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of Engineering, School of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.844.5935
Debra McGivney, PhD
Associate ChairCase School of EngineeringAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6248
Christopher Nguyen
Director, Cardiovascular Innovation Research Center, Heart, Vascular, and Thoracic Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Andrew Rollins, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1917
Satish E. Viswanath, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of Engineering, School of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Electrical, Computer, and Systems EngineeringCase School of EngineeringMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterCo-LeaderCCCC Machine Learning Working GroupCo-DirectorCenter for AI Enabling Discovery in Disease Biology (AID2B)School of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3888
David L. Wilson, PhD
Robert Herbold Professor of Biomedical Engineering and RadiologyProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4099
Xin Yu, ScD
ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Physiology and BiophysicsSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3918
Mei Zhang, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineMemberImmune Oncology ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216-368-6744
Research Faculty
Allison Hess-Dunning, PhD
Research Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineResearch InvestigatorDepartment of Veterans AffairsLouis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical CenterEmail:
Ammar Hoori, PhD
Research Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 804.551.7315
Juhwan Lee, PhD
Research Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringEmail:
Phone: 216.258.3527
James Seckler, PhD
Research Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.375.2528
Anandakumar Shunmugavel, PhD
Research Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3135
Xinning Wang, PhD
Research Associate ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.983.3254
Affiliated Associated Faculty
Agata A. Exner, PhD
Henry Willson Payne ProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineVice Chair of Basic ResearchDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringDirectorCWRU Center for Imaging ResearchCo-LeaderCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterAssociate DirectorMedical Scientist Training ProgramSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6727
Chris A. Flask, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of RadiologyPediatricsBiomedical EngineeringSchool of MedicineCo-DirectorImaging Research CoreSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.844.4963
Mark Griswold, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.844.8085
Zhenghong Lee, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringCo-LeaderCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.844.7920
Raymond F. Muzic, Jr., PhD
ProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineProfessorOncologySchool of MedicineScientific DirectorQuantitative Imaging LaboratorySchool of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0727