Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation

Neural engineering and rehabilitation research applies neuroscience and engineering methods to analyze central and peripheral nervous system function and to design clinical solutions for neurological disorders or injury. Through the application of basic science and engineering techniques, neural engineers develop methods to analyze and control the nervous system and associated organ systems. 

Research in neural engineering at Case Western Reserve University is bolstered through collaboration and proximity to world-class healthcare facilities. Faculty, research associates and students in the Department of Biomedical Engineering work in three national centers of education and research in neural engineering and rehabilitation. Our research teams collaborate with four local major medical facilities: MetroHealth Medical Center, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland Clinic and the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. 

The Department of Biomedical Engineering has ongoing research and applications in neural engineering and rehabilitation in several areas that allow our team to move ideas from basic science through experimental testing to clinical deployment. These areas include:

Neuromodulation – Clinical and experimental technologies for treating and managing consequences of stroke, epilepsy, pain, spinal cord injury, genitourinary function, movement disorders, autonomic functions and psychiatric disorders.

Prosthetics and Orthotics – Implanted devices to directly communicate with the  nervous system functions for the control of assistive technologies, as well as provide sensory feedback in amputee prosthetics.

Neural Interfaces – Design of both stimulating and recording electrode technologies for interfacing with the nervous system. In the central nervous system, research is focused on brain computer interfaces and deep brain stimulation to restore function in patients with neurological disorders, such as paralysis. In the peripheral nervous system, novel interfacing technology targets small somatic and autonomic nerves.

Neural and Biomechanical Computation – The use of computational models to simulate the dynamics of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system during movement in order to gain insight into the underlying neural and biomechanical processes. These models are used to develop new treatments and interventions for nervous system disorders disorders, as well as to design more effective prosthetics and other assistive technologies.

Computational tools are also applied to develop and understand neural circuit function and dynamics.

Affiliated Labs and Centers 


Research Faculty

Affiliated Faculty

  • Jay Alberts

    Jay Alberts, Ph.D.

    Staff, Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute


  • Richard Burgess

    Richard Burgess, MD, PhD

    Adjunct Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University


  • Portrait of John Chae

    John Chae, MD

    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Neural Engineering Center
    Case School of Engineering
    Vice President
    Research and Sponsored Programs
    MetroHealth System
    MetroHealth Rehabilitation Institute
    MetroHealth System
    Professor and Chair
    Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    MetroHealth System
    School of Medicine


    Phone: 216.957.3623

  • Image of Hillel Chiel

    Hillel Chiel, PhD

    Department of Biology
    College of Arts and Sciences
    Department of Neurosciences
    School of Medicine
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering
    Neural Engineering Center
    Case School of Engineering


    Phone: 216.368.3846

  • Michael Jenkins

    Michael Jenkins, PhD

    Biomedical Engineering
    School of Medicine
    Cancer Imaging Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center


  • Kevin Kilgore

    Kevin Kilgore, PhD

    Department of Orthopaedics
    Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    MetroHealth Medical Center
    School of Medicine
    Staff Scientist
    Department of Orthopaedics
    Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    MetroHealth Medical Center
    Biomedical Engineer
    Research Services
    Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
    Cleveland FES Center


    Phone: 216.778.3801

  • Dawn Taylor

    Dawn Taylor, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
