
Metabolic Systems

Mathematical modeling and computer simulation are used to analyze changes in cellular metabolism of tissues, organs, and the whole body. Non-invasive or minimally invasive measurements are obtained with human exercise studies under normal and diseased conditions. Cellular metabolic changes are quantitatively related to physiological changes. Projects include cellular metabolic mechanisms of myocardial ischemia, cellular metabolism and energetics in skeletal muscle, adipose tissue metabolism with insulin resistance, and whole-body energy balance.

Cardiac and Vascular Systems

Cellular and molecular imaging technologies and mathematical modeling are combined with molecular, cellular, and tissue measurements to analyze mechanisms of heart disease. Therapeutic strategies are developed related to biomechanical, vascular, and electrophysiological functions. Cardiovascular physiology and metabolic regulation are studied using ECG signals, magnetic resonance imaging, optical mapping, and spectroscopy. Projects include cellular mechanisms of sudden cardiac death, cell and gene therapy for arrhythmias, ion channel structure and function, and myocardial ischemia.

Biomedical Sensors

Biomedical sensing integrates biologically derived sensing components with a transducer for in vitro and in vivo measurements of chemical and biological substances. Research includes the development and use of electrochemical, optical mini- and micro-sensors, micro-fabricated devices such as BioMEMS chips, quantitative analysis of cellular transport and communication, cost-effective in vitro diagnostics, and continuous in vivo diagnostics.

 Affiliated Labs and Centers


  • Colin Drummond

    Colin Drummond, PhD, MBA

    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering, School of Medicine
    Assistant Chair
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering, School of Medicine


    Phone: 216.368.6970

  • Steven Eppell

    Steven Eppell, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Nanoscale Orthopedic Biomaterials Laboratory - NOBL


    Phone: 216.368.4067

  • Steve Fening

    Steve Fening, PhD

    Associate Vice President for Research
    Managing Director
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case-Coulter Translational Research Partnership
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering, School of Medicine


    Phone: 216.368.2639

  • andrew_rollins

    Andrew Rollins, PhD

    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering, School of Medicine
    Cancer Imaging Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center


    Phone: 216.368.1917

  • Gerald Saidel

    Gerald Saidel, PhD

    Professor Emeritus
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering, School of Medicine
    Center for Modeling Integrated Metabolic Systems


    Phone: 216.368.4066

  • Image of headshot of Xin Yu

    Xin Yu, ScD

    F. Alex Nason Professor II of Biomedical Engineering
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering, School of Medicine
    Department of Physiology and Biophysics
    School of Medicine
    Department of Radiology
    School of Medicine


    Phone: 216.368.3918

Associated Faculty

  • Henri Brunnengrabber, Professor of Nutrition
  • Charles Hoppel, Professor of Pharmacology
  • Satish Kalhan, Professor of Pathobiology, CCF
  • John Kirwan, Professor of Pathology, CCF
  • Joseph LaManna, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
  • Raymond Muzic, Associate Professor of Radiology
  • Michelle Puchowicz, Associate Professor of Nutrition