Steven Eppell, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Nanoscale Orthopedic Biomaterials Laboratory - NOBL

Research Information

Research Interests

The focus of research in my laboratory in on orthopedic biomaterials. Fixation of implants (a biochemical phenomenon) and stress shielding (a biomechanical phenomenon) are two of the major clinical problems associated with currently available biomaterials. We are interested in taking a first principles approach to understanding molecular interactions leading to biochemical and biomechanical function of cartilage and bone. Our emphasis is on analysis of these tissues at the sub-molecular level which is accomplished by the development and use of nanoscale instrumentation. Currently we are applying these techniques to the study of collagens and the fundamental mineral units found in bone. The results of these experiments will guide us away from the use of homogenous materials (like the clinically popular Ti and Co based alloys) and toward more sophisticated hierarchical composites.


  • Viscosity of liquids from the transfer function of microcantilevers; PB Abel, SJ Eppell, AM Walker, FR Zypman - 2014
  • Electrostatic Force Curves in Finite-Size-Ion Electrolytes; FR Zypman, SJ Eppell - 2013
  • Current Issue Highlights; ML Hinni, TT Tollefson, JZ Baskin, SJ Eppell - 2013

Full list of Publications

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