The BOND STORE was the major example of Art Moderne commercial architecture in Cleveland. The Bond Clothing Co., which had occupied a store in the old Hickox Bldg. on the northwest corner of Euclid and E. 9th St. for many years since 1920, demolished the building in 1946 and erected its own store on the site. Embodying the principles of commercial advertising display, the new building was conceived as a showpiece, apparently inspired by the World's Fair and film-musical architecture of the 1930s. The awkwardness of the acute angle at Euclid and E. 9th was solved by a cylindrical corner element topped by a floating roof canopy that was pierced with circular holes and illuminated by spotlights. In the 4-story interior, illuminated mirrored columns extended from the main floor through a 2nd-floor ceiling well to the 3rd floor, and a curving staircase ascended to the upper floors. The building materials were pink granite, terra cotta, steel, and aluminum. The architect was Herbert B. Beidler in association with WALKER & WEEKS. Representing the climax of the 1930s brand of modernism in Cleveland, the store was demolished in 1978 to make way for the National City Ctr. complex (see NATIONAL CITY CORP.).


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