IRELAND, JOSEPH (17 June 1843-17 November 1905), New York architect who practiced in Cleveland between 1865-85 before returning to New York, was trained in the design of institutional buildings and was also a specialist in fireproof construction, a goal that engaged many architects in the post-CIVIL WAR period. Ireland was born in New York to Antoinette (Ford) and Thomas Jones Ireland. His first Cleveland building was the Society for Savings on PUBLIC SQUARE (1867), later the home of the WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. He also designed the Natl. Bank Bldg. (1867), whose trustees, JOSEPH PERKINS, AMASA STONE, and Daniel Eells, were all instrumental in securing commissions for Ireland. In 1869, Ireland designed the Geauga County Courthouse in Chardon to replace the one destroyed by fire the year before. In 1870 he planned the home of Henry B. Perkins in Warren, still in use as the city hall. His Cleveland buildings included the Retreat, a women's institution donated by Joseph Perkins (1872); the Home for Aged Gentlewomen, built for Amasa Stone (1876); Daniel Eells's home on Euclid Ave. (1876); the Second Presbyterian Church (1878); and Adelbert College of Western Reserve University (1882), also built for Amasa Stone. Only the Geauga County Courthouse, the H. B. Perkins home, and Adelbert Hall remained standing in the 1990s. Ireland worked in various phases of the Victorian Italianate and Eastlake styles, but his principal contribution was the introduction and development of fireproof construction in northeastern Ohio.
Ireland married Mary DeForrest and had five children: Mary, William, Antoinette, A. Rutherford, and Cornelia. He was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, NY.