KERN, FRANK J. (18 Mar. 1887-4 Oct. 1979), physician and leader in the Slovenian community, was born Frank Jauh near Skofja Loka in Slovenia to parents Francis and Mary Jauh. He studied for the priesthood, going to St. Paul Seminary in Minnesota in 1903; but moved to Cleveland in 1906 before completing his education to work for Nova Domovina. He moved to Calumet, Mich. briefly to edit a newspaper, but returned to Cleveland, teaching English and penmanship. Kern entered Western Reserve Medical College in 1908, added the surname Kern in 1911, and, after an internship at ST. VINCENT CHARITY HOSPITAL, began 50 years work as a physician. He was medical counsel for several fraternal insurance societies, including AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOC. and Serbian Beneficial Fed., "Unity." He also wrote medical columns for Slovenian newspapers in Cleveland and Chicago.

Kern was the first Slovenian-American candidate for councilman, running unsuccessfully in 1913. In 1916, he helped what became the St. Clair Savings Assoc. He was the first president of the SLOVENIAN NATL. HOME Committee. During WORLD WAR I, he promoted creation of Yugoslavia, and represented the Slovenian Natl. Union to the Jugoslav Natl. Council in Washington. He was also an executive board member of the SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATL. COUNCIL formed to assist the homeland during WORLD WAR II. Kern's English-Slovenian dictionary (1919) was followed by an English reader featuring penmanship lessons (1926). Kern married Agnes Wertin on 19 Nov. 1912. They had 3 children: Ella, Frank, and Edward. Kern died in Cleveland and was buried in All Soul's Cemetery. An autobiography of his early life was published in Ljubljana in 1937.

Kern, Frank Jauh. Spomini ob Tridesetletnici Prihoda v Ameriko (1937).

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