The ST. CLAIR SUPERIOR COALITION, founded in 1976 at the GOODRICH-GANNETT NEIGHBORHOOD CTR., spearheaded rehabilitation and revitalization in the area encompassing old Near Town (E. 40-E. 55th streets), the Slovenian-Croatian settlement (E. 55th-E. 79th streets) and the old Sowinski neighborhood (E. 79th St.-Liberty Blvd.). Discussions at a seminar on neighborhoods at CLEVELAND STATE UNIV. earlier in the year spawned the idea to organize area residents.

At first funded by the Campaign for Human Development of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, the organization later received support from local FOUNDATIONS and the National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs, with city and federal monies funding some improvement projects. The COMMISSION ON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ACTION has consistently assisted the coalition. In May 1978 450 delegates attended the coalition's 1st annual convention, electing physical therapist Bernice Krumhansl president, along with other officers. At this time the organization's focus widened from individual block clubs to the community, with vice-presidents representing different geographic areas. The coalition has focused on neighborhood safety, appearance, and housing, cleaning up vacant lots, and rehabilitating houses in cooperation with the Famicos Foundation. The coalition is located at 6408 St. Clair Ave. NE.

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