Remote Entrepreneurship Project (REP) Program

Case Western Reserve University's Veale Institute for Entrepreneurship, Post-Graduate Planning & Experiential Education (including CWRU LaunchNet) and the Weatherhead School of Management's Graduate Career Management have teamed up to offer a limited number of CWRU students the opportunity to work on REMOTE entrepreneurship-related project this fall. Students who participate in this program will be provided a stipend directly from CWRU and there is no expectation of a financial commitment from your organization.

Apply Now!

Matching Steps:

  1. We will screen applications and appropriately match candidates based on the submitted project descriptions and student skills, areas of interest and submitted resumes.
  2. Potential candidates will be sent to you to review and interview.
  3. You will then confirm if you would like to move forward with a candidate and provide an offer letter detailing start and end dates.
  4. Students will be required to enroll in Practicum Program, complete 3 blog posts on LinkedIn reflecting on their experience, and will be provided with a $500 stipend upon completion of the program.


  • Projects should be approximately 6-8 weeks in duration and consist of about 5-10 hours/week.
  • Projects should be focused on exploring new markets, initiatives, or opportunities to help fuel your company’s growth
  • If you participated in the summer program then we ask that projects either be new in scope or that you take a different student. Extension of summer project matches is not allowed.
  • Due to limited availability, only 1 project can be submitted by an employer.

Project Sponsor Expectations:

  • You will provide the student and us an offer letter detailing start and end dates of the project.
  • You will provide access to necessary information / resources for student to reasonably attempt project completion
  • You will spend about 5 hours during the duration of the project to mentor the student