Twist of fate

Dr. Harry and Ellen Rosen portrait
Dr. Harry and Ellen Rosen

A simple mistake on Harry Rosen’s college application  took him down a path he hadn't anticipated—a path that saw him earn an engineering undergraduate degree and eventually become a practicing dentist. 

"I wanted to go to Case Western [Reserve] because I heard it had an excellent developmental biology program," said Rosen, DDS (CIT '73, DEN '77). "However, I checked the wrong box on the application and ended up in the engineering school. I loved being an engineering student!" 

Excelling in math and physics, he found engineering eye-opening, introducing him to  different ways of approaching problems and creating solutions. However, he ultimately knew he wanted to work in health sciences to help improve people’s lives. He found a career in dentistry to be the perfect choice.

Now retired from more than four-decades in private practice, Rosen is giving back to the schools that set him on his journey: Case School of Engineering and the School of Dental Medicine.

During a recent visit to the Health Education Campus of Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic, Rosen was struck by the advancements in dental education. 

"I couldn't believe how much it's changed, especially the advanced technology," said Rosen. "The changes are profound—it is just amazing to see." 

The experience catalyzed his decision to give back to his alma mater, with a pledge of $200,000 evenly distributed between the dental and engineering schools, to support student scholarships. 

Having been a beneficiary of scholarships himself, Rosen understands their transformative power, and the gift reflects his desire to support and empower future students. 

Rosen hopes his gift will inspire other alumni to give back. 

"Since I have retired, I have had a chance to reflect on the wonderful educational opportunity that I had at Case Western [Reserve]," said Rosen. "I asked the question, ‘what can I do for my community?’ A gift to both the engineering and dental schools is one way to pay it forward."

Originally published in the summer 2024 issue of Forward Thinking magazine