
Students walking outside at Case Western Reserve

Established in 1836, Case Western Reserve University’s endowment stands as a testament to the generations of alumni and friends whose generosity has sustained the institution through nearly two centuries of growth.

Whether you want to pay tribute to a professor who shaped your career, fund a program that was meaningful to you as a student or support scholarships like the ones that allowed you to attend CWRU, your gift to the endowment makes a lasting impact on our campus.

Learn more about giving to the endowment and support your passion at Case Western Reserve:

  • Endowed professorships: Named professorships allow the university to attract and retain renowned faculty members who conduct groundbreaking research and share their knowledge with students.
  • Student scholarships: Scholarship support makes the Case Western Reserve experience more accessible to students across disciplines, regardless of their financial circumstances.
  • Campus improvements and other programs: Fund renovations and new construction for campus facilities. Give students career-changing opportunities through research and hands-on learning experiences.


Your investment in Case Western Reserve University enables our students, faculty and staff to think beyond the possible, every day.

In addition to a university-wide annual report summarizing overall finances and highlighting the impact of your support, an annual statement is provided to individual donors on the market value of their respective endowment.


For general questions about Case Western Reserve University's endowment, email cwru_endowment@case.edu.

For questions about an existing endowed fund, contact our Donor Relations team at 216.368.5468 or donorrelations@case.edu.