Prof. Zonghe NIH R21

A headshot of Zonghe Chua

Prof. Zonghe Chua has received his first peer-reviewed federal funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This prestigious NIH R21 Trailblazer award, totaling approximately $586,000, will support his innovative 3-year project titled "Autonomous Gaze Coaching for Robot-assisted Surgical Training."

Prof. Chua's proposed autonomous coaching system represents a significant advancement in surgical training. By capturing expert surgical cognition and autonomously presenting it to trainees in a simulator system, this project aims to increase accessibility and reduce the costs associated with effective surgical instruction. The project is set to begin this September and will be conducted in collaboration with colleagues at University Hospitals (UH) and the Veterans Affairs (VA).

This impactful endeavor promises to enhance the future of surgical education and training.