
Engineer workign on a robotic prosthetic hand
Head shot of HFI founder Dustin Tyler

Dustin Tyler, PhD

Director, Human Fusions Institute
Kent K. Smith II Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

For nearly 30 years, Dustin J. Tyler, PhD, has dedicated himself to translationally focused research in neural engineering. Tyler, the Kent H. Smith II Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Case School of Engineering, has been a faculty member at Case Western Reserve University for over 15 years and is known for his expertise in electrical engineering, artificial and biological neural systems, and biomedical engineering.

As director of the Human Fusions Institute, Tyler has recruited a culturally diverse, open, transdisciplinary community of researchers, thinkers, students, entrepreneurs and world leaders to lead the charge shaping the future of NeuroReality™ and Human Fusions. Get to know the members of our leadership team below.  




Core HFI Faculty


A headshot of Alexis E. Block

Alexis E. Block, Dr. sc.

Assistant Professor of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (ECSE)
Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (EMAE) (by courtesy)
Case Western Reserve University

Headshot of Emily Graczyk

Emily Graczyk, PhD

Human Interface, Sensory Perception and Affective Touch
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Michael Fu

Michael Fu, PhD

Human Interface and Virtual Reality 
Timothy E. and Allison L. Shroeder Assistant Professor in Computer and Data Sciences
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Case Western Reserve University


A headshot of HFI Staff member Luke Osborn

Luke Osborn, PhD

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Veronica Santos

Veronica Santos, PhD

Robotic and Mechanical Systems
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Bioengineering
Director of the UCLA Biomechatronics Laboratory
University of California, Los Angeles

A headshot of Eileen Anderson

Eileen Anderson, PhD

Associate Professor
Bioethics Department
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Nicholas Zingale

Nicholas Zingale, PhD

Nicholas C. Zingale, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Director, School of Urban Affairs
Cleveland State University

A headshot of Zonghe Chua

Zonghe Chua, PhD

Assistant Professor
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Kathryn Daltorio

Kathryn Daltorio, PhD

Associate Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Co-Director, Biologically-Inspired Robotics Lab
Case Western Reserve University


A headshot of Pan Li

Pan Li

Associate Professor
Case School of Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Souyma Ray

Soumya Ray, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Case School of Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Jonathan Baskin

Jonathan Baskin, MD

Associate Professor
Surgeon, Biotechnology Translation & Healthcare Applications
Case Western Reserve University

Zach Patterson, PhD

A headshot of Zach Patterson, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (EMAE)
Case Western Reserve University


Key Collaborators

A headshot of Pedram Mohseni

Pedram Mohseni, PhD

HFI Sensors & Circuits
Department Chair, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Goodrich Professor of Engineering Innovation
Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of An Wang

An Wang

Assistant Professor
Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Hossein Miri Lavasani

Hossein Miri Lavasani, PhD

Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Shannon French

Shannon E. French, PhD

Director and Inamori Professor in Ethics Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence
Professor Department of Philosophy College of Arts and Sciences
Professor School of Law
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Kenneth Loparo

Kenneth Loparo, PhD

Cyberphysical Systems
Arthur L. Parker Professor
Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Co-Director, Internet of Things Collaborative (IOTC)
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Miao Pan

Miao Pan, PhD,

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Houston



Administration and Staff


A head shot of HFI Executive Director Mark Mykleby

Mark Mykleby

Executive Director
Case Western Reserve University 

A headshot of Robert Michaels

Bob Michaels

Director of Operations
Case Western Reserve University 

Headshot of Simone Quartell

Simonetta Quartell

Department Assistant
Case Western Reserve University


Susan Schramfield Headshot

Susan Schramfield

Research Engineer
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Emily Imka HFI's Graphic Designer

Emily Imka

Graphic Designer
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Jeremy Dunning

Jeremy Dunning

Biomedical Engineer
Cleveland VA APT Center

A headshot of Joris Lambrecht

Joris Lambrecht

Biomedical Engineer
Cleveland FES Center
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Rohit Bose, HFI Postdoc Scholar

Rohit Bose

Postdoc Scholar
Case Western Reserve University

A headshot of Mindy Baierl

Mindy Baierl

Corporate and External Relations
Case Western Reserve University