Associate Provost Tyler Reimschisel and other certified coaches with the Office for Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Education and Research provide team education, consultation and coaching service to new and established teams that would like to enhance their teamwork capabilities. Teams can be within the health care, nonprofit, education, public service, and business sectors.
Our consultation and coaching are based on Schwarz’s mutual learning approach to team work, and we use Lingham’s conceptual framework that high-impact teams© demonstrate:

- High functionality (internal team dynamics),
- High performance (quality of external deliverables and service), and
- Positive influence on the organizations and systems within which the team is embedded.
Various individual and team assessments may be utilized to facilitate the coaching experience, including the Learning Needs Inventory© and the Team Learning Inventory©. We may also use liberating structures, Metalog® team training tools, small group discussions and other activities, and large group debriefs.
The team coaching and consultation service is customized to meet the needs of the team, and can include team coaching as well as formal teamwork education. Teamwork principles and skills that can be integrated into the coaching to help ensure high-quality team engagement can include topics related to:

- Individual and team mindedness (emotional and social intelligence, situation monitoring)
- Formation of teams and team charters
- Team leadership and management models and skills
- Managing power and influence and mitigating implicit bias in diverse teams
- Communication skills within a team
- Structured communication tools, including the TeamSTEPPS© curriculum
- Decision-making and problem solving
- Mutual support (assistance, psychological safety, assessment, and feedback)
- Conflict management and negotiation skills
- Change management and leading change
- Individual and team assessments
- Coaching to mitigate team dysfunction
If you would like to learn more about the team consultation and coaching options, please contact us at
Teamwork Education & Coaching Brochure