Student Spotlight: Hayley Devine

Hayley Devine

Class Year: 2021

Program/major: Nursing

Minor: German

At the inaugural UH Nursing Research and Innovation Day in August 2020, Hayley Devine, now a fourth-year nursing student, won a $5,000 first prize and the chance to work with Philips Healthcare to develop her idea for call lights to help non-verbal patients communicate with staff. She developed the concept while working as a nursing assistant at University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center. 

“The increases in technology, research and innovation have caused the field of nursing to shift without compromising the art of nursing which is providing compassionate, patient-centered care,” she said. “I look forward to learning and practicing aspects of both the art and science of nursing as I begin my career in a few short months.”

Last semester, Devine worked with the CWRU Partners in Health Lead Screening project, which aims to screen pre-K and kindergarten students in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD). With both CMSD and Case Western Reserve operating in a largely remote capacity, students like Hayley focused more on the behind-the-scenes work such as notifying families of results from past screenings, following up with families of children with high lead levels and creating a resource guide to address barriers that can prevent resolving elevated blood lead levels.

“This experience taught me the importance of being adaptable and continuing to put the patients and community first, even if it may look different than it did before,” she said.

Devine is completing a minor in German language in addition to her nursing major.