Remy Lab

Twenty two members of the Remy Lab standing in front of the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Emergency directional sign.

Welcome to the laboratory of Dr. Kenneth Remy, situated at the crossroads of immunology and hematology within the Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. Our lab, renowned for its dedication to both basic and translational research, investigates the complex host immune responses implicated in a range of critical conditions, including adult and pediatric sepsis, COVID-19, and various global health challenges.

Dr. Remy, an adult and pediatric critical care physician, brings a wealth of expertise to his research, particularly in the dynamics of heme-based trafficking and signaling related to immune dysregulation in diseases characterized by intravascular hemolysis—such as COVID-19, sepsis, malaria, sickle cell disease, and thalassemia—and following red blood cell transfusions. His work extends into pioneering real-time immunophenotyping of pro-inflammatory and hypoinflammatory states, aiming to pinpoint optimal timings for immunoadjuvant therapies.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Remy has not only provided care to thousands in both adult and pediatric intensive care units but has also adapted his laboratory research to better understand the progression of COVID-19 from both hematologic and immune perspectives. Collaborating with Dr. Richard Hotchkiss, Dr. Remy contributed to early groundbreaking descriptions of an immunosuppressive phenotype in COVID-19, revealing significant T cell exhaustion in critically ill patients. His influential work has been highlighted in numerous scholarly and mainstream media outlets, including CNN, CBS Evening News, and People Magazine, among others.

Our laboratory offers a stimulating environment for students interested in delving into a variety of research areas, from understanding host immune responses in critical diseases to exploring the intersections of host immune response with heme-immune interactions. We are committed to advancing the field through the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, from the exploration of disease signaling pathways to the application of precision medicine from bench to bedside.

For students passionate about clinical research, Dr. Remy’s lab provides unique opportunities to engage with hospital electronic medical records to study acute lung injury, pneumonia, sepsis, and other critical illnesses. Our lab is a hub for those eager to translate scientific discoveries into meaningful clinical outcomes, offering both ‘wet bench’ and ‘dry bench’ experiences in a dynamic and interdisciplinary setting.

Join us at the forefront of medical research to not only enhance your scientific acumen but also make tangible impacts on patient care and global health.