
Stay up to date with news out of the Carpenter Lab in the Departments of Medicine and Pathology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

Recent News

August 21st, 2023: Our manuscript "Mycobacterium  tuberculosis impairs human memory CD4+ T cell recognition of M2 but not M1-like macrophages" is formally accepted for publication at iScience!

June 30th, 2023: Vinicius successfully completes his PhD Qualifying Exam!

June 14th, 2023: Steve presents work on human CD4 T cell recognition of Mtb-infected macrophages at the NIH / Stop-TB Workshop, “Recognition and Control of Mtb-infected Cells: From Basics to the Clinic”

June 1st, 2023: The Carpenter Lab celebrates Avinaash’s successful completion of her PhD Qualifying Exam!

May 12th, 2023: Avinaash wins “best poster presentation” at the University Hospitals Department of Medicine Research Day for her work on CD4 T cell clones targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens 

April 14th, 2023: Vinicius delivers a “poster slam” presentation on Mtb-specific CD4 T cell responses to bystander, non-infected macrophages at the Annual Immunology Training Program (ITP) retreat (picture below)

Vinicius delivers a “poster slam” presentation on Mtb-specific CD4 T cell responses to bystander, non-infected macrophages at the Annual Immunology Training Program (ITP) restreat (picture below)

Feb. 10, 2023: Steve presents the lab’s work on memory CD4 T cell recognition of human macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis at UMass Chan Medical School at the Worcester TB Meeting

Dec. 7, 2022: Steve gives the Peter Agre Lecture to MD/PhD students and house staff at University Hospitals 

Aug. 3, 2022: Vinicius, Dan, and Steve present at the Keystone TB meeting in Breckinridge, Colorado

July 31-August 11th, 2022: The Carpenter Lab receives notices of awards for two National Institutes of Health grants (K08, R21) and an American Lung Association Catalyst Award!!