Mouse Models Core


The Mouse Models Core of the Cleveland DDRCC provides members with access to a comprehensive set of services and unique mouse models to support in vivo investigations of digestive diseases involving inflammatory and metabolic processes (i.e., inflammatory bowel disease, hepatitis, obesity and metabolic syndromes). These conditions affect millions of individuals in the U.S., and facilitating their study in mouse models will help uncover key pathogenic mechanisms and develop new therapeutic approaches.

The Cleveland DDRCC Mouse Models Core can provide experimental cohorts of SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) and TNF∆ARE mice and educate, consult, and train DDRCC investigators in the use of various mouse modeling techniques. The core can also provide high-resolution murine video endoscopy with well-validated scoring of intestinal inflammation and colonic tumors and perform stereomicroscopy on murine intestinal tissues and assess inflammation by 3-D stereomicroscopy with assessment of myeloperoxidase activity.