Simulation Resources

Methods of Simulation

Many types of simulation based training are available for use, separately or together as part of a specialized curriculum that is developed to meet specific goals and objectives for health care professionals.  

The Simulation Center (SC) has a wide variety of simulation resources and technologies available for on-site use or in situ. We also provide hybrid simulations utilizing two or more of the resources outlined below.

View Our Complete Catalog

Standardized Patients

Standardized Patients (SP) are "Individuals who are trained to present the symptoms and signs of a disease process as they present in real patients." (Barrows, 1985).

Standardized or simulated patients have been shown to be effective in teaching clinical, interviewing, and communication skills to learners from a variety of disciplines, including medicine, nursing, dental, law, and other professions. They are often used for practice or assessment of communication and/or physical examination skills.

Learn more about Standardized Patients

Human Patient Simulators

Human Patient Simulators or High Fidelity Manikins are life-size adult and infant patient simulators that replicate elements of human physiology such as respiration, heartbeat, and pulse. They are mechanical and computer-controlled simulators that mimic human appearance and display symptoms and disease processes as they present in a real patient. Adult, pediatric or infant manikins are available to practice teamwork, procedural, and emergency skills. Review our resource catalog below for more details.

Task Trainers

Task trainers or partial manikins are lifelike models of anatomy. They can be an anatomical replica of a hand, arm, knee, torso, and male or female pelvis. Task trainers are used to teach competency based and procedural skills; such as airway management, lumbar puncture, and IV placement.

Virtual Simulators

Computer-based virtual simulators offer a real-life visual and tactile stimulation of medical procedures and imaging techniques. Virtual simulators display reconstructions of human anatomy that provide a high-quality, realistic simulated experience in real-time.  Virtual Simulators are an excellent tool for anatomic visualization and imaging of anatomical structures. Our surgical simulators allow the learner to develop or refine cognitive, decision-making, and surgical skills.


Moulage is a technique used in applying mock injuries to a person, body part, or manikin for the purpose of training, medical, and nursing personnel. The art of moulage can be as simple as applying pre-made rubber or latex wounds, sores, and abrasions to a person's limbs, chest, head etc. or more complex using more sophisticated makeup and theatre techniques to provide elements of realism such as body fluids, open fractures, etc. to the training simulation.