Rajagopalan Lab

About Us

Our Mission

Our mission at the Rajagopalan Lab at Case Western Reserve University is to understand the “exposomic” determinants of cardiovascular disease using unbiased data driven approaches. Technological advances such as unbiased high-throughput genomic and epigenomic approaches, high-resolution metabolomics  and network science provide an unprecedented opportunity to capture the exposomic drivers of cardiovascular disease and provide a molecular framework for complex environmental insults. Given the increased recognition of the dominant role that the environment play in cardiometabolic disease, our efforts are directed towards understanding the molecular mechanisms of environmental cardiometabolic disease. 

Our Vision

To provide a comprehensive portrait of human health and disease trajectories, through learnings from experimental models enabled by innovations in genomics, data science and artificial intelligence.

Lab Core Values

Our core values are innovation, excellence, compassion, openness, collaboration, and respect. To solve big problems using the tools of modern science requires trans-disciplinary collaboration and the humility to recognize that “you don’t know." In the process, we desire to foster a strong community of principled scientific leaders who improve the world.

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