Inside the Classroom

Professor instructing class

RGME students will learn from a robust roster of experts actively working in the field, excited to bring their day-to-day knowledge to the classroom. Even better, program lecturers are available to students throughout their time in the program. They can answer questions and offer advice, giving students the knowledge and networking opportunities needed to propel them into a career in this fast-paced field. Below are current RGME lecturers, as CWRU and the program expand their reach into the industry, additional lecturers or guest speakers may be added.

Course Lecturers

Maya Breitman, PhD

Instructor, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

MetroHealth Medical Center

Paolo Caimi, MD

Associate Professor, Department of Medicine,
School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

Medical Director, Clinical Trials Unit, Seidman Cancer Center, University Hospitals

Timothy Chan, MD, PhD

Co-Director, National Center for Regenerative Medicine, School of Medicine

Director, Center for Immunotherapy and
Precision Immuno-Oncology, Cleveland Clinic

Jeffrey Clark-Klein, PhD, MBA Project Manager, Harrington Discovery Institute,
University Hospitals
David Dean, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery,
Ohio State University
Amar Desai, PhD Assistant Professor, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
Ellen Divoky Director of Regulatory, Compliance and Contracting,
Case Western Reserve University
Sarah Kleinsorge-Block, PhD Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Case Western Reserve University
Justin D. Lathia, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

Researcher, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Hillard Lazarus, MD Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine,
School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
Zhenghong Lee, PhD Professor, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
Jane Reese-Koc, MBA, MT Cellular Therapy Operations and Quality Director,
National Center Regenerative Medicine,  Case Western Reserve University and Seidman Cancer Center,
University Hospitals
Susan Reynolds, PhD Principal Investigator, Center for Perinatal Research, Nationwide Children's Hospital
Ashish Sharma, PhD Seidman Cancer Center, University Hospitals 
Nora G. Singer, MD

Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University

Director, Division of Rheumatology,
MetroHealth Medical Center

Rodrigo Somozas, PhD Senior Research Associate, Skeletal Research Center, College of Arts and Sciences, Case Western
Reserve University
Anthony Ting, PhD

Vice President of Regenerative Medicine and
Head of Cardiopulmonary Programs, Athersys, Inc. 

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Division of General
Medical Sciences, School of Medicine,
Case Western Reserve University

Wouter Van't Hof, PhD Cord Blood Bank Director/Processing Facility Director, Cleveland Cord Blood