Additional Vaccines—and a Video

To the Case Western Reserve Community:

We are delighted to announce today that the City of Cleveland will provide additional COVID-19 vaccines for our university to administer Thursday—and, better still, also are increasing our allotment of doses by 37 percent over last week.

Credit for this positive outcome goes to the extraordinary team that coordinated the effort, as well as the dozens of enthusiastic volunteers on site last Thursday. Words cannot quite capture the experience, but this brief video conveys it well. 

To be eligible to receive vaccinations on campus, individuals must:

  • live in Cleveland and be 60 or older or have significant medical conditions (such as cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia—find the full list online); or
  • live in Cleveland and work in such functions as law enforcement, firefighting, child care, or funeral arrangements; or
  • serve Cleveland in such functions as law enforcement, firefighting, child care, or funeral arrangements.

To learn more about Ohio’s criteria for Phase 1C and Phase 2, please visit the state's vaccination program page

As was the case last week, our site will be giving the Pfizer-BioNTech SE vaccine, which requires two doses approximately three weeks apart. Those who receive their first dose on our campus will be able to make appointments for the next one while at the site Thursday, or at a later time.

We realize that many members of our own community are eager to receive COVID-19 vaccines, and are hopeful that increasing supplies will give them opportunities soon. Last Friday, for example, Gov. Mike DeWine announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency had selected Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center to serve as a mass vaccination site starting Wednesday, March 17. We will provide additional detail on this option and others as they become available.

We deeply appreciate Cleveland’s continued collaboration on this effort. To learn more about on-campus vaccinations, please visit our website,

Scott Cowen
Interim President

Ben Vinson III
Provost and Executive Vice President