In additional to the academic deans, the provost oversees the following areas of the institution.
Office of the Provost
Joy K. Ward, PhD
Provost and Executive Vice PresidentProfessorDepartment of BiologyCollege of Arts and SciencesEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4346
Ward is the chief academic officer of the university. In this capacity, she is responsible for providing leadership that supports all aspects of the academic enterprise of Case Western Reserve.
Shane Connor
Executive AssistantOffice of the ProvostEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4346
Connor provides administrative assistance for academic priorities, academic affairs, faculty affairs, faculty advancement, postdoctoral affairs, and various strategic activities.
Deanna DePenti
Coordinator of Schedule and TravelOffice of the ProvostEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1052
DePenti manages the schedules of the provost as well as the deputy provost. She assists with several projects as well as the day-to-day operation of the office.
Heather Murray
Executive AideOffice of the ProvostEmail:
Phone: 216.368.5573
Murray manages the schedules of the senior director of finance as well as the senior vice provost for undergraduate education and academic & faculty affairs.
Strategy & Operations
Lee Thompson, PhD
Deputy Provost for Academic Strategic InitiativesOffice of the ProvostProfessorDepartment of Psychological SciencesCollege of Arts and SciencesAssociate DirectorProvost Scholars ProgramEmail:
Phone: 216.368.5507
Thompson collaborates with leaders in the Office of the Provost and in the college and schools to develop and implement initiatives that enhance faculty and postdoc engagement and advancement, that drive student success and retention, and that improve the central operations of the Provost’s Office, such as financial and budgeting processes and strategies, human resources, and communications.
Andrea Hauser , PhD
Assistant Provost for Strategic InitiativesOffice of the ProvostExecutive DirectorPresident's Leadership Development ProgramEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1610
Hauser provides expert advice and strategic direction on a wide range of issues and opportunities related to the university's educational offerings and administrative functioning. She also serves as the executive director of the President's Leadership Leadership Development Program, a role she has held since 2022.
William Breeze, PhD
Administrative Director, Faculty Advancement and Postdoctoral AffairsEmail:
Phone: 216.368.2346
Breeze works with the Office of the Provost, as well as the college and schools, to create programming and initiatives that support and enhance faculty and postdoc engagement and advancement.
Shay Carroll
Department AssistantFaculty Advancement and Postdoctoral AffairsEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1983
Carroll works with the Office of the Provost to provide administrative assistance and to support the faculty and staff of the postdoctoral program.
Jocelynn Clemings
Manager for Communications & Special ProjectsOffice of the ProvostEmail:
Phone: 216.368.8890
Clemings is responsible for advancing strategic initiatives of the university through development and implementation of communications plans and messages—as well as creation of speeches, correspondence and more.
Elizabeth Jaszczak, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Senior Director, Human ResourcesOffice of the ProvostEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4015
Jaszczak leads the Human Resources functions for the offices reporting to the provost, ensuring alignment with strategic goals, compliance with policies and fostering a positive work environment.
Craig M. Zullig, MBA
Senior Director, FinanceOffice of the ProvostEmail:
Phone: 216.368.8752
As the Senior Director of Finance, Zullig (he/him/his), provides oversight of a comprehensive management model for the schools, programs, and offices reporting to the Office of the Provost.
Academic Administration
Travis Apgar
Vice President for Student AffairsEmail:
Phone: 216.368.2021
Apgar leads the Office of Student Affairs and provides leadership in the development of services and programs that enrich student life, extend and enhance the academic experience, and contribute to an environment that encourages personal growth and development.
Rick Bischoff
Vice President for Enrollment ManagementDivision of Enrollment ManagementEmail:
Edward Bolden, PhD
Senior DirectorInstitutional ResearchEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1500
Bolden is responsible for leading the department in delivering accurate, consistent, and timely information about CWRU to stakeholders through the provision and communication of data in multiple formats to support strategic decision-making.
Jeffrey Capadona, PhD
Vice Provost for InnovationProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicinePrincipal InvestigatorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCapadona LabSenior Research Career ScientistLouis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.5486
Capadona leads efforts to leverage artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies to enhance the university's educational offerings while overseeing the staff and faculty leadership of Sears think[box].
Yolanda Cooper
Vice Provost and Lindseth Family University LibrarianKelvin Smith LibraryEmail:
Phone: 216.368.2992
Cooper manages the Kelvin Smith Library, a dynamic, technology-rich, highly collaborative organization with resources, services, tools, and expertise to advance the success of students, faculty, and staff at Case Western Reserve.
Donald Feke, PhD
Senior Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty AffairsProfessorDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringCase School of EngineeringEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4343
Feke oversees faculty and academic affairs across all of CWRU’s schools, oversees the Office of the Registrar and UCITE, and maintains CWRU’s institutional accreditation.
Kathleen Horvath
ProfessorDepartment of MusicCollege of Arts and SciencesDirector of OrchestrasDepartment of MusicCollege of Arts and SciencesAssociate Provost for Academic AffairsEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1613
Horvath provides leadership and guidance in focused initiatives carried out by the Office of the Provost, such as institutional accreditation. She is currently exploring the student experience at Case Western Reserve as it relates to rates of persistence toward degree completion.
Daniel Lacks, PhD
Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary and International InitiativesOffice of the ProvostProfessorDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringCase School of EngineeringEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4238
Lacks leads the university’s efforts in developing and enhancing interdisciplinary and international collaborations across campus and with affiliated partners. He oversees the Inamori Center for Ethics and Excellence, Office of Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Siegal Lifelong Learning, Social Justice Institute and Veale Institute for Entrepreneurship.
Rachel E. Lutner
Vice President of Equity and Title IX CoordinatorOffice of EquityEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3066
Lutner leads the Office of Equity to implement the university's nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policies by providing incident assessment, investigation and formal and informal resolution strategies; identifying appropriate disability accommodations for students and staff; conducting dynamic training and providing education on discrimination, harassment, Title IX, consent, support matters for students and employees to increase awareness.
Marvin T. Nieman, PhD, FAHA
Vice Provost and Dean for Graduate StudiesProfessorDepartment of PharmacologySchool of MedicineMemberMolecular Oncology ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0250
Nieman provides strategic leadership to support graduate student success in research and teaching, as well as holistic guidance for well-being and career development.
Peter A. Shulman
Associate Provost for CurriculumOffice of the ProvostElizabeth and Raymond Armington Professor and Associate Professor of HistoryDepartment of HistoryCollege of Arts and SciencesEmail:
Phone: 216.368.2261
Shulman oversees the undergraduate curriculum beyond individual schools and the College, including the Unified General Education Requirements (UGER), Pre-Major Advising, and the Explore program. He reviews course proposals, collaborates on advising, program assessment, curricular policies, and enrollment analysis, and organizes the annual undergraduate awards ceremonies, including the Wittke and Jackson awards.