Faculty & Academics

CWRU sign on Euclid Avenue

Academic Leadership and Department Chairs

Learn about Case Western Reserve University's academic leadership and department chairs.

See Leadership & Chairs

Academic and Faculty Affairs

Academic Affairs provides leadership that supports student learning. Faculty Affairs is responsible for policies and procedures which have an impact on the lives of faculty members from appointment to retirement.

Visit Academic and Faculty Affairs

Approvals and Governance for Academic Programs and Processes

Proposals for new academic offerings, modification to existing academic programs, or changes to procedures associated with the administration of academic offerings are to be reviewed and approved through a series of governance steps.

See the Governance

Awards & Promotions

Case Western Reserve University recognizes members of its community with various awards to celebrate achievements in research, teaching, service and more.

View Awards & Promotions

Diversity Executive Advisory Council (DEAC)

To help realize campus-wide diversity goals, Diversity Liaisons have been appointed in each school/college to serve on a Diversity Executive Advisory Council (DEAC) and work collaboratively with the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Engagement.

Contact the Council

Emeriti Academy

The Emeriti Academy fosters closer continuing relationships with emeriti faculty after they retire from full-time employment.

Learn About the Academy

Faculty Senate

The Case Western Reserve University Board of Trustees has delegated certain powers to the University Faculty. All powers of the University Faculty, not otherwise reserved for the University Faculty itself, are exercised by the Faculty Senate

Visit Faculty Senate

General Education

The Unified General Education Requirements (UGER) are designed to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to understand and address the world’s challenges with intellectual rigor, creativity, humility, and integrity.  

Visit the UGER

Institutional Accreditation

CWRU receives its institutional level accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and was first accredited in 1913. 

Learn More About Accreditation

Outcome Assessment

Outcome Assessment provides valuable data to the university about student learning for the purpose of program improvement. Engaging in regular assessment also demonstrates to accrediting bodies that we have processes in place to ensure the quality and effectiveness of our educational programs, learning environments, and support services.

More About Assessment

University Budget Committee

The University Budget Committee serves as an advisory body to the Provost and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and is charged with oversight of the budgeting and forecasting model(s) and related processes, assumptions and activities.