Adjustments to our operating rules and procedures for demonstrations

To the Case Western Reserve community,

These past few weeks have underscored the importance of open dialogue and willingness to listen to differing views. 

Earlier this month, we implemented our new procedures and operating rules for freedom of expression related activities, with an understanding there would be many voices that could—and should—add to this conversation. With their feedback, our freedom of expression policy committee moved quickly to revise our procedures and operating rules.

We are grateful to the student and faculty leaders who expressed their views and helped us enhance these procedures and operating rules. These changes will allow more flexibility while ensuring the safety of our community, equal access to educational opportunities, and continued operations of our university. While more changes may come based on additional valuable feedback, including from the Faculty Senate, we are confident these new adjustments address many concerns.

In this amended version, which is effective immediately, we clarified or adjusted multiple points, including:

  • Academic programs, courses and lectures are not affected.
  • “Small demonstrations” (i.e., those with 20 or fewer participants and lasting fewer than two hours) do not require pre-approval.
  • “Large demonstrations” can last up to five hours and are permitted at Kelvin Smith Library Oval, Freiberger Field, Van Horn Field or Case Quad adjacent to Adelbert Hall.
  • Requests for demonstrations must be submitted three days prior to the proposed date (a change from seven days).

The committee will always aim to approve demonstrations. Committee members will review requests to ensure that they align with the procedures and operating rules; the university has the resources to meet events’ needs; and the safety and well-being of our entire community will be maintained. If any of these areas are not met, the committee will provide feedback and ways to adjust the demonstration to gain approval.

We strongly encourage you to read the operating rules and procedures in full to familiarize yourself with expectations for demonstrations you’ll be holding or attending this year. These are critical to the vibrancy of our campus, and we appreciate your shared commitment to ensuring our community remains a diverse, safe and welcoming environment for all.

Eric W. Kaler

Joy K. Ward
Provost and Executive Vice President