Celebrating a Victory for Marriage Equality

To our Case Western Reserve University community: 

We join our LGBTQ+ community in celebration of Thursday’s historic vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to codify federal protections of same-sex and interracial marriage. The Senate passed the bill, known as the Respect for Marriage Act, last month. President Biden is expected to sign the bill into law. 

As an institution committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, we stand in full support of the Respect for Marriage Act and its affirmation that: “Millions of people, including interracial and same-sex couples, have entered into marriages and have enjoyed the rights and privileges associated with marriage. Couples joining in marriage deserve to have the dignity, stability, and ongoing protection that marriage affords to families and children.”

We also remember those whose sexual, gender, racial or ethnic identity has made them victims of bigotry, hatred and violence. Though these evils persist in the world, this legislation and the support behind it gives us optimism that hearts and minds will and do, in fact, change. We remain hopeful that the Supreme Court upholds its 2015 decision in Obergefell vs. Hodges, which grants marriage equality nationwide.

Finally, as we celebrate, we also recommit ourselves to cultivating a sense of belonging and acceptance for all members of our campus community. 


Eric W. Kaler

Ben Vinson III
Provost and Executive Vice President