CWRU Faculty: A survey to assess the current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom and identify potential faculty needs

Dear CWRU Faculty,
We write today to invite you to complete a short survey on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom. 

The survey was developed by the University-wide AI Task Force, established to explore the impact of AI on student learning and teaching.  As part of the committee's charge to produce recommendations on how best to support our student body in this era of learning and workforce development, we are conducting this survey to assess the current state of AI in the classroom and to help identify potential faculty needs in incorporating AI.  

The results of this survey, and subsequent follow-up, will be included in a report delivered to President Kaler and the Faculty Senate with recommendations for investments and structures, including components such as best practices of AI in the classroom and future expectations for the technology, impact on teaching and learning at CWRU. 

Please complete the survey linked here:

Take the Survey

We thank you in advance for your participation.
Joy K. Ward, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President, co-chair
Maureen W. McEnery, Faculty Senate Chair, co-chair
Jeff Capadona, Associate Provost for Graduate Education