Engage in Dialogue on Civility and Free Speech at CWRU on Sept. 11

Case Western Reserve University invites students, faculty, postdocs and staff to participate in two events on September 11 aimed at promoting respectful dialogue and examining the complexities of freedom of expression on campus. Sponsored by the Office of the Provost, these initiatives are designed to foster an inclusive environment where diverse viewpoints are welcomed and openly discussed.

A core value of the university is creating a learning atmosphere that encourages open expression and respectful debate. Attendees can look forward to engaging discussions, as well as food and refreshments.

These events reflect the university’s ongoing commitment to building a campus culture of civility, connection, and open dialogue. All community members are encouraged to attend and actively engage in these important conversations.

Critical Conversations: Fostering Civil Exchange on College Campuses

Time: Wednesday, September 11, 12–1 p.m.
Location: Linsalata Alumni Center, Foster-Castele Great Hall

The “Critical Conversations” series offers monthly panels that engage with cross-disciplinary and often controversial topics, addressing historical, legal, societal, ethical, and health-related contexts. Open to the entire campus community.

This session will discuss the rights and responsibilities of campus members in maintaining freedom of expression. The panel features:

  • Bryan Adamson – Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion and David L. and Ann Brennan Professor of Law, School of Law
  • Dan Polster – Federal Judge of the Northern District of Ohio and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Peter Poulos – Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary of the Corporation, and Chief Risk Management Officer, Office of General Counsel

The discussion will be hosted by Provost Joy K. Ward.

Register for Critical Conversations

Hard Conversations: Affecting Change by Leveraging Your Voice

Time: Wednesday, September 11, 7–8:30 p.m.
Location: Linsalata Alumni Center, Foster-Castele Great Hall

The “Hard Conversations” series focuses on the art of engaging in challenging discussions. The events feature a panel discussion from experts on current issues and events in an informal "coffee shop" setting followed by small group discussions between audience members with an opportunity to practice their civil discourse skills in a moderated setting. This event is specifically tailored for students.

This session will explore students’ rights and responsibilities regarding freedom of expression, with an emphasis on using one’s voice responsibly. The panel includes:

  • Greg Harris – Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, Division of Student Affairs
  • Dan Polster – Federal Judge of the Northern District of Ohio and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Jessica Wolfendale – Professor of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Aysegul Keskin Zeren – Assistant Director for Student Experience and Pre-Law Advisor in the Division of Student Affairs and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science

The session will be moderated by Shannon French, Director and Inamori Professor in Ethics, Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence. The discussion will be hosted by Provost Joy K. Ward.

Register for Hard Conversations