Peter Whiting named interim dean of CWRU’s College of Arts and Sciences

Case Western Reserve University President Eric W. Kaler and Provost Joy K. Ward announced today that Peter Whiting, interim vice president for student affairs, will become interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, effective July 1. His appointment follows last week’s announcement that the college’s interim dean, Lee Thompson, will become the university’s deputy provost for academic strategic initiatives.

“Peter has done an exceptional job leading the Division of Student Affairs this past year, especially as we implemented a new approach to student advising and support under the division,” President Kaler said. “I am confident he will apply the same thoughtful decision-making and strong leadership at the helm of the college.”

For Whiting, the interim deanship marks a homecoming of sorts—returning to the College of Arts and Sciences, where he’s been a faculty member since 1991, after a year in a central administrative role. In more than 30 years at the university, Whiting, a professor of geological and hydrological sciences, has risen through the professorial ranks and held a variety of leadership roles, including director of the SAGES program, vice chair of the University Undergraduate Faculty and associate dean of the college.

“I’ve been fortunate to work closely with Peter throughout my time at Case Western Reserve—first as dean of the college and now as provost—and I’ve found his insights and leadership to be important contributions to the university,” Provost Ward said. “The college’s faculty, staff and students are gaining an incredible champion with this appointment.”

Read more in The Daily.