2024 Elections

Two women stand behind a Staff Advisory Council table at Employee Appreciation Day 2024

The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) seeks motivated and engaged staff to represent their colleagues from the following areas:

  • College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
  • Case School of Engineering (CSE)
  • School of Law (LAW)
  • School of Medicine (SOM)
  • Weatherhead School of Management (WSOM)

Representatives are instrumental in pursuing positive changes on behalf of staff. Explore this website for more information regarding the council, it's mission, and it's achievements.

Review this webpage for Important Dates, Representative Eligibility and Roles and Responsibilities, and election FAQs.

Please send questions and feedback to sac-elections@case.edu.

Results to be Announced in August

Thank you to all those who have participated in elections this year. We will contact the candidates and announce the results in August.

Important Dates

Click the links below for more information on each phase of elections.


Representatives must be non-faculty employees of the university hired before March 2024 who are not under Positive Corrective Action.

They may be full-time or part-time, exempt or nonexempt.

Roles and Responsibilities

Representatives are voting members of the council. They serve a two-year term which begins in September. They attend general council meetings in even-numbered months and participate in at least one committee on a monthly basis.

Please review the Staff Advisory Council Constitution for additional information regarding the council and the roles and responsibilities of its Representatives.


Each area receives proportional representation. The table below indicates the number of exempt and nonexempt Representatives to be elected this year.

Area Exempt Nonexempt
CAS 1 2
CSE 2 1
LAW 1 1
SOM 9 7
WSOM 2 1


Monday, May 13 - Wednesday, May 29 at 12:00 p.m.

Elections begin by inviting all staff to nominate their colleagues to run for Representative. Multiple nominations and self-nominations are both welcome.


Monday, June 3 - Tuesday, June 18 at 12:00 p.m.

Each nominee will be asked to accept the nomination or decline. Those who accept their nomination will become a candidate and will be included on the ballot once their eligibility is confirmed.


Monday, June 24 - Wednesday, July 10 at 12:00 p.m.

A ballot with eligible candidates will be distributed to staff in each area. Each staff member may vote for one, some, or all candidates on the ballot.

Candidates who receive the most votes will become Representatives.


Monday, July 15 - Thursday, July 18 at 12:00 p.m. if necessary

If necessary, runoffs will be held in the relevant areas.


September 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

All Representatives will be invited to an orientation and reception where they will learn how to navigate the council, choose a committee, and collaborate with their colleagues. Food will be provided.

General Council Meeting

Thursday, October 17 at 10:00 a.m.

The first General Council Meeting of 2024-2025 school year. Meetings are held held in the Toepfer Room of Adelbert Hall. There will also be a Zoom room for those who are unable to attend in person.

Subsequent General Council Meetings will be held on Thursdays in even-numbered months.

Questions and Feedback

Please send questions and feedback to sac-elections@case.edu.


In even-numbered years, representatives are elected from:

  • College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
  • Case School of Engineering (CSE)
  • School of Law (LAW)
  • School of Medicine (SOM)
  • Weatherhead School of Management

In odd-numbered years, representatives are elected from:

  • Academic Administration (UGEN)
  • Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing (SON)
  • Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences (MSASS)
  • School of Dental Medicine (SDM)
  • University Administration (UGEN)

Yes, we welcome self-nominations.

Yes, you may nominate someone from another area.

No, you may not vote for someone in another area.

Yes, you may vote for multiple candidates.

Yes, you may reach out to your colleagues to try and convince them to vote for you.

We recommend you vote for candidates you know and trust to represent you.

Candidates responses to the following questions will also be provided on the ballot:

  1. Why do you want this position?
  2. What makes you a good candidate?
  3. What are your priorities and/or goals and how do you plan to pursue them?

Yes, all staff are welcome to attend and participate in council activities.

Only elected representatives may vote on council resolutions.

The form requires you to log in to your CWRU Google account to access the form. Log in and then try accessing the ballot.

All staff, regardless of status, may vote for both exempt and nonexempt representatives in their area.