Dr. Baughman has reported on the areas of substance abuse, mental health, community-based corrections and long-term recidivism, and family health indicators including access to medical care, housing, and parental supports. She has evaluated a variety of programs that focused on substance use, mental health, criminal justice diversion programs (e.g.; Drug Court, Mental Health Court, and Veteran’s Court), and homelessness. Her work has been funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Bureau of Justice Affairs, the Family and Children First Council of Summit County, the Corrections Planning Board of Cuyahoga County, and the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County, and other local, state and federal funders.
Research Information
Research Interests
- Using theory to improve programming and outcomes in the areas of substance abuse prevention
- Substance abuse treatment
- Mental health treatment
- Criminal justice diversion programming
- Violence prevention
- Program evaluation
- Policy analysis
Awards and Honors
Professional Memberships
External Appointments
Adjunct Professor, Department of Public Administration and Urban Studies, University of Akron
- Dr. Baughman has taught courses such as Advanced Research methods and History of Urban Development at the master’s level.
Selected Publications
Medication Assisted Treatment: Experiences from the Field
In Perspectives on Social Work, 2017.
Adolescent Delinquency and Violent Behavior
In Handbook of Adolescent Behavioral Problems: Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment, 2nd edition. Springer Press, 2015.