I. Appeals

  1. A decision reached by a hearing officer or hearing board may be appealed by the respondent or the University within five business days (days the University is open) from the time the hearing decision is made available. Appeal petitions shall be submitted in writing or electronically to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards.
  2. The board chair or hearing officer will have an opportunity to review the appeal petition and submit a brief response within three business days (days the University is open) from the time the appeal petition is made available.
  3. For cases heard by a formal hearing board, the appeal board shall consist of three members of the University Student Affairs leadership team or their designees.
  4. For cases heard by a single administrator, the appeal board shall consist of a single member of the University Student Affairs leadership team or a designee.
  5. An appeal shall be limited to a review of the appeal petition, responses to the appeal petition, information available in the hearing, the verbatim record of the hearing and supporting documents for one or more of the following grounds:

        a. Evidence that established procedures were not followed in a manner that would have significantly affected the hearing outcome.
        b. New information not available at the time of the hearing which would have significantly affected the hearing outcome.
        c. The sanctions are substantially disproportionate to the severity of the violation.

  6. The role of the appeal board or appeal officer is not to adjudicate the case as a second hearing. The appeal board will limit the scope of the review to the grounds outlined above. If an appeal is granted by the appeal board based on appeal grounds 5a or 5b, the case may be returned to the original conduct hearing board for re-opening of the hearing to allow reconsideration of the original decision. If an appeal is granted by the appeal board on appeal ground 5c, the appeal board may render new sanction(s). If an appeal is not granted, the matter shall be considered final and binding upon all involved.
  7. Independent of the normal Appeal Process, the University reserves the right to rehear a case if the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee determine that established procedures were not followed in a manner that significantly affected the hearing outcome.

Last Updated: August 13, 2024