Sound and Lighting

Wireless Handheld Microphone

wireless microphone
  • Each portion of the ballroom has access to four wireless microphones (either handheld or lapel.)

Quantity: 12

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom 

Wireless Lapel Microphone

lapel microphone
  • Each portion of the ballroom has access to four wireless microphones (either handheld or lapel.)

Quantity: 12

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom

Wireless Headset Microphone

headset microphone
  • Headset is black and requires the use of a lapel microphone pack.
  • Each portion of the ballroom has access to four wireless microphones (either handheld or lapel.)

Quantity: 2

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom


image of a catchbox
  • A Catchbox is a unique way to engage audience members who have questions. The light-weight box is plush and can be thrown across the room. When spoken into, it acts as a normal microphone.
  • Our Catchbox (not pictured) is navy and has the CWRU logo on two sides.
  • It requires the use of a lapel microphone pack.
  • Each portion of the ballroom has access to four wireless microphones (either handheld or lapel.)

Quantity: 1

Fee: $15

Availability: Ballroom

Gooseneck Microphone

thin tall microphone
  • Intended for use with the lucite lectern only. The High Tech Wooden Lecterns already have a built-in gooseneck microphone.

Quantity: 1

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom

Panel Microphones

thin tall microphone
  • Microphones feature individual mute buttons.
  • The audio mixer is required to use panel microphones.

Quantity: 6

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom

Audio Mixer

audio mixer
  • The audio mixer is required to use panel microphones.

Quantity: 1


Availability: Ballroom


Adjustable Microphone Stand

adjustable microphone stand

Quantity: 12

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom



Desktop Microphone Stand

desktop microphone stand

Quantity: 4

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom



Boom Microphone Stand

boom microphone stand

Quantity: 4

Fee: - 

Availability: Ballroom



Portable Sound System

portable sound system with wireless microphone
  • Includes a wireless microphone.
  • Auxiliary audio inputs are available to connect a MP3 device.

Quantity: 1

Fee: $50

Availability: Senior Classroom; Commons

Assisted Hearing Device

assisted hearing device
  • This portable device provides hearing assistance to audience members without seating restrictions.
  • It automatically connects to the ballroom sound system, allowing guests to easily hear any program sounds and microphones.

Quantity: 20

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom

Background Music

sirius XM logo
  • Choice of any SiriusXM for Business Radio Station

Quantity: 1

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom


Stage Lighting 

overhead stage lighting
  • Lights are white and create a basic wash over a stage.
  • They can be controlled at the wall panel in the back of each ballroom.

Quantity: 3

Fee: -

Availability: Ballroom

Perimeter Uplighting

large light used for perimeter uplighting
  • Positioned along the walls and columns throughout the ballroom.
  • Include choice 52 colors options.

Quantity: 1

Fee: $150 

Availability: Ballroom

Stage Curtain Uplighting

light bar used for stage curtain uplighting
  • Positioned along stage backdrop.
  • Include choice 52 colors options.

Quantity: 1

Fee: $50

Availability: Ballroom