Removing a Page From the Navigation

All pages, including those you'd like to hide from the navigation, need to be nested within the navigation first. This will ensure that breadcrumbs and the URL are set up properly for your page. To learn how to nest a page within the navigation, please review Adding New Pages.

The only pages that should be removed from the navigation are biographies, news articles, and events pages. All other pages on the website need to be visibly nested within the navigation. 

To hide a page from the navigation, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Once a page has been published and nested properly, click on the Main Navigation Menu option in the black toolbar at the top of the screen. This will show you the entire navigation of the website.
  2. From here, locate the name of the page you would like to hide from the navigation.
  3. Uncheck the box to the right of the page name.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save.