Craig Dicht

Craig Dicht has worked as a project leader, environmental educator, wilderness steward, and trail work instructor with the Student Conservation Association and U.S. Bureau of Land Management. He was a founding member of the West Virginia Sustainable Communities Corps. Craig's work on the leadership team of the Joshua Tree (CA) Livingschool inspired him to pursue an MBA to help small and mid-size businesses and non-profits become anchors of strong communities.

At the Fowler Center, Craig wrote a case study on Food Donation Connection, a company facilitating food waste reduction by linking restaurants with local food charities. He also served as an editorial board member for the World Inquiry for Business as an Agent of World Benefit and assisted with the 3rd Global Forum. Craig graduated in 2015 with an MBA from Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management. His passions include biking, reading, cooking, camping and spending time with his wife and two daughters.