Case Western Reserve University

Mathematics Department


Under Construction
Last updated on 4/25/2022

These are tentative assignments for Dr. Szarek's Math 322/422 class.
All assignments are subject to change. Assignments need to be submitted in class (hard copy) or on Canvas before 11:59 pm on the due date (usually Monday). Additions, changes and the due dates will be announced in class and/or by email and/or posted on the Web (here) or on Canvas. Solutions/outlines of solutions and similar documents will be posted on Canvas.

Due date Section(s) Set # Assignment
Tue, Jan. 18 7.10, 7.11 1 7.10: 6, 10; 7.11: 3(b),(c),(d), 4, 8; extra problem and notes
Mon, Jan. 24 7.12, 6.5 2 7.12: 5; 6.5: 1, 10; notes
Mon, Jan. 31 8.1, 8.2,... 3 8.2:8, 11; extra problems, notes and hints
Mon, Feb. 8 Chapter 8 4 3.6: 21; 8.3: 2, 6; 8.4: 7; 8.5: 6, 9; 8.6: 2; 8.7: 3; notes and hints
Mon, Feb. 14 9.1-9.3 5 9.2: 1, 3, 4, 7(a)-(e); 9.3: 1, 5, 11, 16 (finalized); notes and hints
Mon, Feb. 21 9.3-9.6 6 9.3: 20, 24; 9.4: 3, 5; 9.5: 1; 9.6: 1, 2 (finalized); notes and hints
Wed, Feb. 23 Midterm Test #1; allowed: 2-sided standard size (8.5x11 in) "formula sheet"
Sat, Mar. 5 Midterm Test #1 redos
Mon, Mar. 14 10-1-10.4 7 10.2: 6, 8, 12; 10.3:2, 3; 10.4: 5 (finalized)
Mon, Mar. 21 10.4-10.5 8 10.4.6, 10.5.7 + additional problems about the exponential function
Mon, Mar. 28 10.6, 10.7, 11.1-11.2 9 10.6: 4; 10.7: 3; 11.1: 5, 6; 11.2: 3, 6(a),(c); notes and hints
Mon, Apr. 4 11.2-11.4 10 11.2: 8; 11.3: 2(a), 3, 6(a); 11.4: 1, 7(c),(e),(f), 8; notes and hints
Mon, Apr. 11 Midterm Test #2
Mon, Apr. 18 11.4-11.9 11 11.5: 3; 11.6: 3; 11.7: 5; 11.9: 1; additional problem, notes and hints
Mon, Apr. 25 10.8, 12.1-12.4 12 10.8: 1, 2, 15; 12.2: 11; 12.4: 4, 8 (extra credit) notes and hints
No due date 12.4-12.8 13 12.4: 13; 12.5: 2; 12.6: 11; 12.8: 2, 11a, b (not to be turned in, solutions will be posted); notes and hints
Wed, May 4 Final Exam, 8:30-11 am

Integrity: It is OK (and indeed encouraged) to discuss homework assignments with fellow students. However, any and all submitted work must be your own. Merely copying someone else's work is unethical, a waste of time, and will be penalized. (This includes copying solutions found on the internet.) Any substantive collaboration and/or usage of sources has to be acknowledged. See CWRU academic integrity policy.
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