Robbins Neurosciences Lab

Robbins Neurosciences Lab

Discover more about the Robbins Neurosciences Lab, a project managed by the Department of Campus Planning & Facilities Management at Case Western Reserve University.

Project Information 

  • Location: Main campus
  • Client: School of Medicine
  • Scope: New neurosciences lab on the seventh floor of the Robbins Building
  • Total project area: 24,390 gross square feet
  • The project renovated ~75% of the seventh floor to create a transformative space that is highly functional and supports collaboration and shared resources. In turn, this will help attract new principal investigators elevating the Department of Neurosciences and Case Western Reserve University as a whole. 


  • Design: Sept. 2019—Feb. 2020
  • Construction: March 2022—Aug. 2023
  • Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD): Aug. 22, 2023 


  • Budget: $9.2 million
  • Total project cost: $8.1 million