Teamwork is a central component of the Cleveland NeuroDesign Innovation Fellowship, an exciting new area of healthcare innovation that builds on the long history of excellence in neural engineering at Case Western Reserve University and the strong clinical reputation of the Neurological Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Through Cleveland NeuroDesign, these disciplines come together to provide an unparalleled learning experience within the first established neurotechnology-based health innovation program in the world.
The Cleveland NeuroDesign Innovation Fellowship is a 10-month educational opportunity based on the Stanford BioDesign model of identifying, inventing and implementing health technology innovations. In our program, four fellows each year participate in the program, using a proven, repeatable process to identify healthcare needs, invent novel technologies to address those needs, and then build a business plan to implement the technologies into patient care. Together, the fellows create a clinically impactful healthcare product using design that takes into consideration the cognitive sciences, psychology and neuroscience.
The Cleveland NeuroDesign Innovation Fellowship:
- embeds fellows into clinical practice to identify unmet needs;
- takes them through the process of design and building a clinically relevant product together; and finally,
- sets the stage for obtaining a patent and commercializing the technology.
The Office for Interprofessional Education, Research and Collaborative Practice provides teamwork instruction and team coaching to ensure a collaborative team experience. This focus on teamwork skills helps the fellows succeed in developing a commercially-viable technology in just 10 months.
NeuroDesign is one of the 2020 Think Big Strategic Investments from the Office of the Provost.
Interested in learning more about a biodesign-like program in neurotechnology? Please contact neurodesign-info@case.edu with any questions.