Connecting Book Club

On the fourth Tuesday of the month, from 12pm - 1pm, we will dive into a lively conversation!  We will discuss one book for two months.  If you have a book recommendation, please let us know by emailing

Join us in person, in room 139 of Samson Pavilion at the Health Education Campus or by zoom.

Image of book cover The Art of Gathering

January/February 2024: The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

In this highly acclaimed best seller, Priya Parker argues that the gatherings in our lives are lackluster and unproductive - and they don't have to be.  At a time when coming together is more important than ever, Parker sets forth a human-centered approach to gathering that will help everyone create meaningful, memorable experiences, large and small, for work and play.


image of book cover How to know a person

March/April 2024: How to Know a Person by David Brooks

In How to Know a Person, Brooks sets out to help us do better, posing questions that are essential for all of us: If you want to know a person, what kind of attention should you cast on them? What kind of conversations should you have? What part of a person's story should you pay attention to?



image of book cover of book Well

May/June 2024: Well by Sandro Galea

In Well, physician Sandro Galea examines what Americans miss when they fixate on healthcare: health.  Well is an examination of the subtle and not-so-subtle factors that determine who gets to be healthy in America.  Galea shows how the country's failing health is a product of American history and character, and how refocusing on our national health can usher enlightenment across American life and politics.