Awards for Research and Scholarship

Case Western Reserve faculty and researchers are awarded top grants and fellowships from prestigious national and international organizations.

*denotes former; denotes deceased )

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation aims to promote international cultural dialogue and academic exchange through research fellowships and awards that provide scholars from abroad opportunities to complete long-term research stays in Germany. 


Mary Ann Horn

Daniel A. Scherson

Anneliese Maier Research Award

Mark B. Turner

Senior Scientist Award

Hatsuo Ishida

Virgil Percec*

Emeriti Faculty

Arthur H. Heuer

J. Thomas Mortimer

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellows are early-career scientists and scholars who demonstrate outstanding promise, distinguished performance, and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.

Research Fellows

Roberto Fernández Galán, Neuroscience*

Thomas G. Gray, Chemistry

Harsh Mathur, Physics

Robert B. Miller, Neuroscience*

Corey B. Smith, Neuroscience

Stanislaw Szarek, Mathematics

The American Academy in Rome invites distinguished artists and scholars residencies to live and work within the Academy’s community in Rome.

Emeriti Faculty


Jenifer Neils

The American Antiquarian Society offers visiting research fellowships designed to enable academic and independent scholars and advanced graduate students to spend an uninterrupted block of time doing research in the AAS library.

AAS-National Endowment for the Humanities Long-Term Fellows

Daniel A. Cohen

Peterson Fellows

Renee M. Sentilles

The American Association of Anatomists awards highlight and support biomedical researchers early in their careers, and recognizes distinguished service or research in the field of anatomy.

Basmajian Award

David Dean*

Young Investigator Award

Robert H. Miller*

The American Ceramic Society awards honor members who use ceramics to pioneer energy solutions, advance medicine, improve the environment, and support manufacturing innovations to make life better.

Fulrath Award

Roger H. French

Emeriti Faculty

Arthur H. Heuer, Distinguished Life Membership, Jeppson Award, and the Kingery Award

The American Chemical Society (ACS) recognizes outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society.

ACS Award In Applied Polymer Science

P. Anne Hiltner†

Awards in the History of Chemistry

Emeriti and Retired Faculty

Alan J. Rocke, Outstanding Achievement In The History of Chemistry and Outstanding Paper Award

PMSE Young Investigators Award

Michael J. A. Hore

Jon Pokorsk*

Fellowships and grants from the  American Council of Learned Societies are awarded to individual scholars for excellence in research in the humanities and related social sciences.


Michael Altschul

Thomas Bishop*

Georgia J. Cowart

Matthew L. Garrett

Elina Gertsman

Daniel Goldmark

Michael Grossberg*

Elisabeth Koll*

Donald R. Laing†

Marixa Lasso*

Kenneth F. Ledford

Lihong Shi

Theodore L. Steinberg

Athena Vrettos

Gillian L. Weiss

Emeriti Faculty

Walter S. Gibson

Ellen G. Landau

American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies 

Georgia J. Cowart, Clifford Prize

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics recognizes the aerospace profession's best and brightest for their meritorious achievements, technical contributions, committed service, section participation, and continued membership.

Emeriti Faculty

Technical Excellence Award

James S. Tien, Space Processing Award

The American Musicological Society advances scholarship in the various fields of music through research, learning, and teaching. 

Alfred Einstein Award

Francesca Brittan

David Rothenberg

Phillip Brett Award

Susan McClary

Otto Kinkeldey Award

Susan McClary

Emeriti Faculty

Claude V. Palisca Award

Ross W. Duffin, for Outstanding Edition Or Translation

The American Physiological Society Awards recognize the outstanding efforts of its members and their dedication to biomedical research.

Renal Section Awards: Carl W. Gottschalk Distinguished Lectureship

Walter F. Boron

Jeffrey Garvin

Research Recognition Award: Gastrointestinal and Liver Section

Yuxia Zhang*

Arthur C. Guyton Award in Integrative Physiology

Jacob E. Friedman*

The American Political Science Association (APSA) members enhance public understanding of policymaking and improves the quality of scholarship, teaching and reporting on American national politics.

Congressional Fellows

Kathryn C. Lavelle

The American School of Classical Studies (ASCSA) provides graduate students and scholars a base for the advanced study of Greek culture, from antiquity to the present day, and contributes considerably to the dissemination of information about Greek history and archaeology to the Greek public as well as scholarly communities.

Members with Fellowships

Paul A. Iversen

Emeriti Faculty

Jenifer Neils

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fellow is the highest elected grade of membership which recognizes exceptional engineering achievements and contributions to the engineering profession.

Chao and Trigger Young Manufacturing Engineer Award

Chris Yingchun Yuan

The mission of the American Society for Neurochemistry is to promote, support and encourage the research of individual cellular and molecular neuroscientists with special attention given to young investigators.

Young Investigator Award

Wendy B. Macklin*

Mark A. Smith

Bruce D. Trapp

American Society for Nutrition award recipients represent the most prestigious and elite professionals and emerging leaders in nutrition science and practice.

Young Investigator Awards

Jonathan M. Brown

Richard W. Hanson

The Andrew Heiskell Rome Prize are highly competitive fellowships supporting advanced independent work and research in the arts and humanities.

Rome Prize Fellow

Maggie Popkin, Ancient Studies

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is a scholarly, non-political, non-profit professional association open to all persons interested in Asia and the study of Asia.

China and Inner Asia (CIAC) Book Prizes

Emeriti Faculty

Melvyn C. Goldstein, Levenson Prizes for Books in Chinese Studies

The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) is a diverse community of scholars, educators, and practice leaders that strengthens the field of nonprofit and philanthropic research in order to improve civil society and human life.

Dennis R. Young* (association president, 1999-2000), Distinguished Achievement and Leadership Award

Emeriti Faculty

David C. Hammack (association president, 2004-2006), Distinguished Achievement and Leadership Award

The Association of Clinical Scientists is dedicated to the advancement of research and learning in pathology and laboratory science.

Clive R. Hamlin, Clinical Scientist of the Year Award

Clive R. Hamlin, Diploma of Honor

Howard J. Meyerson, Young Clinical Scientist Award


The Biophysical Society members are scientists who have educational, research, or practical experience in biophysics or in an allied scientific field. The Society's distinguished members are recognized for sustained scientific excellence. 

Emeriti Faculty

Mary D. Barkley, Distinguished Service Award

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund is an independent private foundation dedicated to advancing the biomedical sciences by supporting research and other scientific and educational activities.

Career Awards

Kenneth R. Cooke*

Arlene Dent

Claire M. Doerschuk*

Eckhard Jankowsky

Dennis J. Templeton*

Matthew L. Warman*

The core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program provides teaching and/or research grants to U.S. faculty and experienced professionals in a wide variety of academic and professional fields.  The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) promotes linkages between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas.

U.S. Scholars (Program Country)

Karen Beckwith (United Kingdom)

Ronald E. Blanton (Brazil)

David Carrier (China)

Timothy M. Casey* (Argentina)

Christopher A. Cullis (South Africa)

Joyce J. Fitzpatrick (Ireland)

Michael E. Goldberg (Vietnam)

Brian K. Gran (Iceland)

Insoo Hyun (South Korea)

Jill Korbin (Australia)

Walter R. L. Lambrecht (Germany)

Marie Lathers (Camaroon)

Kathryn C. Lavelle (Canada)

Kenneth F. Ledford (Germany)

Marilyn Lotas (Lebanon)

Anna Mandalakas* (South Africa)

Peter W. Moore (United Arab Emirates)

Elliot A. Posner (France)

Charles Rosenblatt (France)

Laura Siminoff* (Australia)

Edward D. Sivak (Finland)

Peter J. Thomas (Germany)

Cheryl A. Toman (Lebanon)

Fulbright Specialist (Program Country)

Michael E. Goldberg (Namibia)

Mark G. Hans (Greece)

Daniel J. Lacks (Burma)

Emeriti and Retired Faculty

Steven P. Feldman (China)

Arthur H. Heuer (France)

Louise W. McKinney (Botswana)

Menachem Shoham (Thailand)

Martha A. Woodmansee (Brazil)

The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation awards fellowships to mid-career men and women who have demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or creative ability in the arts.

Guggenheim Fellowships

Cynthia M. Beall

Michael W. Clune

Daniel A. Cohen

Elina Gertsman

Erkki Somersalo

Glenn D. Starkman                     

Theodore L. Steinberg

Cyrus C. Taylor

Steven Ungar*

Athena Vrettos

Emeriti Faculty

David C. Hammack

Martha A. Woodmansee

Howard Hughes Medical Institute selects investigators who demonstrate innovative approaches to the study of biological problems through the biomedical disciplines, and who have the potential to make significant contributions to science.


Sanford D. Markowitz

Jonathan S. Stamler

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the IDSA Education and Research Foundation offer awards to individuals to honor outstanding achievement in the field of infectious diseases.

Young Investigator Award

Robin L. P. Jump, Geriatrics

The Law and Society Association is an interdisciplinary scholarly organization committed to social scientific, interpretive, and historical analyses of  law across multiple social contexts.

Theodore L. Steinberg, J. Willard Hurst Prize for Legal History

The Medieval Academy of America awards fellowships, prizes and grants to its members for travel, research and publications.

John Nicholas Brown Prize

Elina Gertsman

The National Academy of Sciences is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars.  Scientists are elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research. 

Early-Career Research Fellowship

YeongAe Heo

The National Endowment for the Humanities fosters independent study and advanced research in the arts and humanities. Fellowships support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.


Daniel A. Cohen

Georgia J. Cowart

Marie Lathers

Jonathan Sadowsky

Ted Steinberg           

Susanne Vees-Gulani

Athena Vrettos

Robert A. Walser

Stuart Youngner                     

Emeriti Faculty

Edward J. Olszewski                  

Ellen Landau

The National Humanities Center is a private, nonprofit organization, dedicated exclusively to advanced study in all areas of the humanities.


David Carrier

Michael Grossberg*

Susanna Heschel*

Marixa A. Lasso*

Emeriti and Retired Faculty

Martha Woodmansee

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards support exceptionally creative researchers and scientists throughout the country and abroad; help in the training of research investigators; and foster communication of medical and health sciences information.

New Innovator Award

Derek Taylor

R37 MERIT Awards

Walter F. Boron

Fabio Cominelli

Serpil C. Erzurum

Claudio Fiocchi

Maria Hatzoglou

Donald W. Jacobsen

Robert H. Miller*

Laura E. Nagy

Jerry Silver

Daniel I. Simon

Bruce D. Trapp

Emeriti Faculty

Robert C. Elston

The National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is one of the Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations.

Alexis R. Abramson*

Daniel S. Akerib*

Ozan Akkus

Kristian E. Baker

Swarup Bhunia*

Clemens Burda

Jennifer W. Carter

Sarah E. Diamond

Elena Dormidontova*

Christine Duval

Philip X. Feng*

Michael J. Fu

Xuan Gao

Umut Gurkan

Michael G. Hinczewski

Michael J. A. Hore

LaShanda J. Korley*

Mehmet Koyuturk

Hossein Miri Lavasani

Michael S. Lewicki

Bo Li

Ya-Ting Liao

Wei Lin

Heidi B. Martin

J. Christopher Mihos

Pedram Mohseni

Emily B. Pentzer

John Protasiewicz

Stuart J. Rowan*

Anna Christina S. Samia

Ramanathan M. Sankaran

Genevieve Sauve

Jie Shan*

Nicole Seiberlich

Glenn D. Starkman

Nicole F. Steinmetz*

Gregory P. Tochtrop

Horst von Recum

Joy K. Ward

Xinmiao Zhang*

Xiong “Bill” Yu

Xiang Zhang*

Lei Zhu

Emeritus or Retired Faculty

Heather Morrison

The Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) Awards recognize scientists and engineers who, while early in their research careers, show exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of scientific knowledge during the twenty-first century. 

A. Bolu Ajiboye

Jeffrey R. Capadona

Jennifer W. Carter

Margot Damaser

Christine Duval

Philip X. L. Feng*

Burcu Gurkan

Steve Majerus

Paul Marasco

Suchitra S. Nelson

Joy K. Ward

The Pulitzer Prize Board administers the award that has honored excellence in journalism and the arts since 1917.

James E. Sheeler, Distinguished Feature Writing

The Renaissance Society of America promotes the study of the period 1300–1650.  Members are faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars in a wide variety of disciplines from around the world.

RSA Research Grant

Erin E. Benay

The Research Corporation for Science Advancement's Cottrell Scholar program champions the very best early career teacher-scholars in chemistry, physics and astronomy through discretionary awards for research.

Corbin E. Covault, Physics

J. Christopher Mihos, Astronomy

Heather L. Morrison, Astronomy

Jie Shan*, Physics

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation programs provide an outstanding opportunity for exceptional health professionals and behavioral and social scientists to participate in the policy process at the federal level and use that leadership experience to improve health, health care, and health policy.

Policy Fellows

Kenneth B. Chance

Leona Cuttler

Mary Beth Mazanec

Scholars in Residence Fellows

Sharona Hoffman

The Searle Scholars Program makes grants to selected universities and research centers to support the independent research of exceptional young faculty in the biomedical sciences and chemistry. 

Guangbin Luo

Saba Valadkhan

The Society for American Music is dedicated to the study, teaching, creation and dissemination of all musics in the Americas.

Lowens Book Award

Robert A. Walser

The Society for Biomaterials is a multidisciplinary society of academic, healthcare, governmental and business professionals dedicated to promoting advancements in biomaterial science, education and professional standards.

The Founders Award

James M. Anderson

Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal

James M. Anderson

The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine is a scientific society that promotes investigation in the biomedical sciences by encouraging and facilitating interchange of scientific information among disciplines. 

Young Investigator Award

Jonathan M. Brown

Best Paper Award

Xue-qin Ding

The Society for the History of Technology encourages the study of the development of technology and its relations with society and culture. Members represent a wide range of disciplines and professions, from history and the humanities to engineering and science.

The Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize

Molly W. Berger

Peter A. Shulman

The Sally Hacker Prize

Molly W. Berger

The Wilson Center’s residential fellowships support scholarship that is linked to issues of national and international public policy.

Kathryn Lavelle

The Electrochemical Society honors and awards recognizes outstanding technical achievements in electrochemical, solid-state science, and technology, and exceptional service to the Society.

Outstanding Achievement Awards

Arnold Reisman

Young Investigator Awards

Stuart B. Adler*

Rohan Akolkar

Peter N. Pintauro*

Arnold Reisman

Robert F. Savinell

Daniel A. Scherson

Thomas A. Zawodzinski*

Edward Goodrich Acheson Award

Emeriti Faculty

Barry Miller

The Getty Foundation supports institutions and individuals committed to advancing the preservation of the visual arts.  Getty initiatives strengthen art history as a global discipline, advance conservation practices, and support current and future leaders in the visual arts.

Research Scholars

Anne L. Helmreich*

Scholars in Residence

David Carrier

Emeriti Faculty

Jenifer Neils

The Hartwell Foundation seeks to inspire innovation and achievement by funding early-stage, transformative biomedical research with the potential to benefit children of the United States, and funds innovative and cutting-edge applied research that has not yet qualified for funding from traditional outside sources.


Marc L. Basch

Brian A. Cobb

Roberto Fernández Galán

Yolanda Fortenberry

Saptarsi Haldar*

Jonathan E. Sears

Hoonkyo Suh

Jennell C. Vick

The Pew Charitable Trusts Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health.

Pew Scholars in Biomedicine

Cheng-Ming Chiang*

Alfred Malouf*

Richard A. Padgett

Martin D. Snider

Jonathan S. Stamler

The individuals below represent current or former Case Western Reserve faculty that are or have been included in Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers listing of leading researchers in the sciences and social sciences from around the world.

Mark D. Adams*, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Robert A. Bonomo, Pharmacology & Toxicology

Joseph R. Calabrese, Psychiatry/Psychology

Liming Dai, Chemistry

Stephen G. Ellis, Clinical Medicine

Yngve T. Falck-Ytter, Social Sciences; general

John J. Fung, Clinical Medicine

Thomas A. Hamilton, Immunology

P. Anne Hiltner, Materials Science

Vinod Labhasetwar, Pharmacology and Toxicology

Eduardo Lapetina*, Biology & Biochemistry

John J. Lewandowski, Materials Science

A. Michael Lincoff, Clinical Medicine

Steven E. Nissen, Clinical Medicine

Brian I. Rini, Clinical Medicine

George R. Stark*, Molecular Biology and Genetics           

Eleanor Stoller*, Social Sciences

Peter J. Whitehouse, Neuroscience

Huntington Willard*, Molecular Biology and Genetics

Idit Zehavi, Space Science

Emeriti Faculty

Arthur H. Heuer, Materials Science

Michael R. Jacobs, Microbiology