Election to any of the National Academies is among the highest honors that academic faculty can receive. A number of CWRU faculty are elected members of one or more of the national academies in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in their discipline.
( *denotes former; ✝denotes deceased )
The National Academy of Education fellowship programs seek to encourage a new generation of scholars to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education, or to support early career scholars working in critical areas of education research.
Eileen P. Anderson-Fye, Spencer Fellow
The National Academy of Engineering is a nonprofit institution that provides engineering leadership in service to the nation. Members are elected by current NAE members, representing one of the highest professional honors accorded an engineer.
James M. Anderson
Eric W. Kaler
P. Hunter Peckham
Emeriti Faculty
John Angus✝
Arthur H. Heuer
Jack Koenig✝
Harry Mergler✝
Simon Ostrach✝
Eli Reshotko
Alexander R. Troiano✝
Former Administration
John L. Anderson
The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) recognizes inventors with patents issued from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, enhances the visibility of academic technology and innovation, and translates the inventions of its members to benefit society. Fellows are nominated by their peers for outstanding contributions, support, and enhancement of innovation.
Scott Bruder
Arnold Caplan
Jeffrey L. Duerk*
Mark A. Griswold
Joseph P. Iannotti
Trevor O. Jones
Eric W. Kaler, Charter Fellow
Zheng-Rong Lu
Anant Madabhusi*
Sanford Markowitz
Robert H. Miller*
Francis Papay
P. Hunter Peckham
Robert Savinell
Jonathan Stamler
Dustin Tyler
Gary Wnek
Senior Members
Abhinav Acharya
Drew Adams
Ozan Akkus
Rohan Akolkar
James Basilion
Niloy Bhadra
Susann Brady-Kalnay
Mark Chance
Margot Damaser
Agata Exner
Stanton Gerson
William Grissom
Umut Gurkan
Hatsuo Ishida
Kevin Kilgore
Shuo Li
Dan Ma
Pedram Mohseni
Anirban Sen Gupta
Michael Suster
Paul Tesar
Satish Viswanath
Tina Vrabec
David Wald
David Wilson
Christian Zorman
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) members are elected in recognition of their professional achievement and commitment to volunteer service in activities of the Academy.
James M. Anderson
Kim Anderson-Erisman
Walter F. Boron
John Chae
Timothy Chan
Delos M. Cosgrove III*
Pamela Bowes Davis
Charis Eng✝
Richard W. Hanson✝
Stanley L. Hazen
Mukesh K. Jain*
Kurt Stange
Emeriti Faculty
Duncan Neuhauser✝
George Stark
The National Academy of Sciences is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Scientists are elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research.
Cynthia M. Beall
Melvyn C. Goldstein
Emeriti Faculty
Lynn T. Landmesser✝
George Stark
Kavli Fellows (Frontiers of Science)
Ahmad M. Khalil*
LaShanda Korley*
Jonathan Pokorski*
Joy K. Ward